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Granparents saying to take my mom away from her family


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Thanks alot for all your support Blush I really appeciate it. However I am having another problem which I think may lead my parents to divore. So today my mom had to go work, cause the office fell abit behind. As usually my dad went to work since he is a general contractor and he's just finishing up this job. So today I was responsiblel for my sister, so I took her to greek school in the morning then went home grabed a coffee with my girlfriend, and we were just hanging out then we were planning to go to the mall. My dad calls asking if we can go help him move some stuff to the clients home from the job site (which is at his office) so I tell my dad alright I'll just get my grandfather to pick my sister up from greek school at 2 pm when it ends. For some paculiar reason they failed to provide lunch, so my sister was hungry. Now she didn't call me to ask if I can bring her lunch which I would have if she called. So my grandpa goes picks her up and he want to go get a coffee and a donut (which there is nothing wrong with that) but my sis keeps telling him "grandpa I'm hungry I want to eat lunch". He wouldnt buy he anything to eat but a donut. So I finish up with my dad so me and my girlfriend go to pick up my sister and she's really hungry and she tells me what happened so we take her out to a restaurant for an early dinner it was around 4 o'clock when we picked her up.


Now the other thing is my grandpa has to fix some damages cause by water leakage so he is using insurance money, now since they gave him money to fix some damages and my dad is supposed to fix them but my grandpa doesnt want to he want to keep the money but my dad's company is on the line here since he can get into trouble cause they will think its like insurance fraud even though the damage is real and they wrote up the report but that doesnt really bother my dad so much. So later in the evening we went to my cousin's house to help them rewnovate it my mom stayed at home. So we told my dad what happened and he was very upset that my sister hadn't ate all day until I fed excluding the donut so when we came home from my cousin's house my dad and mom got into this HUGE fight, I couldnt stand to hear it, so I took my girlfriend home and took my sister along with it. So when I came home 1 hour later my parents were upset at each other and my dad just went to bed without eating dinner.

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