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What do these dreams mean?


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I've had two dreams like this and they both involve me with another woman (which is weird because I'm straight, a Christian, and married.) The first one I had involved me touching another girls genitals, but the weird thing was that everytime I touched her I felt the pleasure she was experiancing like doubled, the last one I had was the same except I was touching another girl's breast. Is there something wrong with me? What do you think this means?

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Depends on who you ask. We don't even know why we dream -- asking why we dream what we do dream? Almost an impossible question to answer.


Other people will probably say something different, but my opinion is that it doesn't mean anything. I mean, the other night, I had a dream where my classmates were infested by aliens and became alien-controlled zombies. Does this mean that Earth is going to be invaded by aliens within the next decade? Most likely not.


Maybe if you've been thinking about sex a lot recently, or having it, or watching it, or whatever.. that could be a reason why it's showing up in your dreams. But I mean.. don't take it as a sign of anything. It's just a dream.

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Dreams are usually fairly meaningless - most non-fruedian psychologists agree that they don't reflect the subconscious like everyone believes, they don't have a deeper meaning or reflect on your life, they're just random.


For example, the last three nights I've dreamt:


Mon: A non-sexual dream about a girl I knew a long time ago

Tues: Flying a plane (weee!)

Wed: Zombies... >_


We don't even know why we dream -- asking why we dream what we do dream?


Scientists theorize that dreams developed as humans began to lose touch and stop trusting in their instincts, the dreams keep your mind alert at least on a background level, and get you ready to move again. It's been proven that dreaming can - for a short while - be influenced by an outside force...


So imagine a primative man is sleeping, a wolf or something creeps up on him, his partially conscious mind is aware of it, the mind sends him a nightmare and just as the dog attacks he jerks out of the nightmare alert and ready to fight.


It's interesting stuff, but off the point. =)

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"However she is how I've always wanted myself to look like."


I think you have your answer.


Sometimes women dream of being men; it's a dream involving power and potency, the need to discover that in yourself. I think your dream is about accepting and incorporating your idealized version of yourself into your actual, powerful real self.


Very often we give all the power to the idealized fantasy of who we are; in fact, that power resides in the person we are, and then that person chooses how to express themselves, who to be.


I think your dream is hopeful and loving.


Incidentally, our minds are deeply symbolic -- which is why there are things about the faith that are communicated primarily symbolically (This is my body, this is my blood; take, eat). Don't confuse symbolism with reality, don't think you are sinning, howsoever you would interpret that.

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are u a strong christian?????


What does that have to do with anything? Her dreams don't make her any less Christian - they're DREAMS, and mean nothing, and they certainly don't reflect who she is when she's awake.


I frequently have dreams where I become a character in a television show - that doesn't make me one. Last night I dreamt there was a 30 foot snake slithering around my garden - that doesn't mean I need to check for snakes when I go outside. It's just random firing of neurons and the brains desperate attempt to put them together into something that makes sense.


Nobody should ever feel guilty for the things they dream.

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I've had two dreams like this and they both involve me with another woman (which is weird because I'm straight, a Christian, and married.) The first one I had involved me touching another girls genitals, but the weird thing was that everytime I touched her I felt the pleasure she was experiancing like doubled, the last one I had was the same except I was touching another girl's breast. Is there something wrong with me? What do you think this means?


Maybe you are just attracted subconsciously to a girl in your life. Perhaps one you work with. It doesn't really mean anything as long as you like sex with men.

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