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Does this mean she wants me?


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I went to the comedy club the other night and if you've ever been to a comedy club, you know that they talk about sex almost exclusively. Well, this guy made some comment about 'not getting any' or something like that. Well, I had two female friends with me and one has a boyfriend who was also there. Well, after this comment, both of the women looked at me and one even made a joke about it like they assume that I haven't been getting any lately.


Well, have the comedians were done, one of my female friends and I had a conversation that somehow inevidently came to me. Well, she pretty much said that i'ma confident guy and that the only problem with me is that I don't make moves or something along those lines. Well, I do make moves just not on her. I like her, she can tell I like her, she flirts like hell a lot of the time. But we've already been through this. But is there a hidden meaning behind her telling me this?


Also, just for a little background, I like this same girl A LOT about a year and a half ago. And she found out and didn't want anything to do with me. I was the typical nice guy and she said she didn't want to hurt me. But the problem lies in the fact that she flirted with me all time and would hold my hand and lay on me, etc... Well, since then i've changed who I am. I act more confidently, I don't watch what I say around her, but I just can't bring myself to make a move on her because of the previous rejection. Well, now she's even more into it with the flirting. She holds my hand and kisses it, and kisses my neck sometimes and my cheek, and everytime I talk to her she brings up why she wouldn't sleep with me; like i asked her or something...lol


And she talks about her exes a lot which is also a major turn off. I guess my second question is is she just playing with me again or does she actually sound intersted now? Like I said, she's doing the flirting thing again, holding my hand, and hugging on me when we walk and she even brought up the fact that I never opened the car door for her (which I've never done before, so I'm kinda getting used to it) Oh...just so you know, she's really been doing this stuff ever since I told her I was interested in this other chick. What gives? lol

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I don't know what you failing to understand here. In most countries of the world, if a girl starts to kiss your neck its game on.


If you still want her, take her, that simple. Don't be timid and ask, the next time she's all up in your bussiness make a move, a real move. If she pushes away forget her, if she goes with the flow your question is answered.


Don't live in fear man. If you want her, and she makes herself so open, go in for the kill and worry not about being rejected. She'll make were she stands clear enough from there.


Personally, I don't think you should go for her but whatever. Why I say this is cause while she may initially be down for getting with you, once she has you she might loose interest. It's just not worth getting invested over.


Seriously, make a choice. Either do something and have all your questions resolved, or decide she's not for you and move on to newer and better things.

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I'm half and half with the 2 previous posts on this one - purely coz i know how womens minds work.


i think she does want you - but she is frightened of ruining your friendship if the relationship didn't plan out.


Also - there could be a 'safe option' with you. i.e she can flirt and chase you...without needing to actually do anything.


The kissing of the neck is somewhat confusin. If i kiss a guys neck i would expect it to lead to a kiss....


i reckon the next time she starts coming on to you (coz that is what is it - it isn't 'flirting' trust me!) you should go for it.


What realistically is the worse that could happen?






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Hmmmmm she sounds like the typical "d*** tease" to me. Sorry, but that's what I get from it....


I think if you started ignoring her her true intentions would come through.

She likes attention...when it's convenient for HER. Stop paying her attention and feeding her ego. Simple as that.


Is she ineterested? I think she would be if you get out of that "friendzone"... but until then..hard to say.

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I agree with CluelessGuy. I think its an ego-boost for her. Some women just cant take the fact that you've moved on. They wanna keep you along just for their own ego, even if they're not interested in you. Although, the kiss on the neck thing, threw me off a bit. I wouldnt kiss a guy on the neck unless I was, at the very least, attracted to him.

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I am kind of with the d*** tease comments. However, let's think about this from a different point of view. Let's consider how to get what you want, her, her naked in your bed, sooner or later.


OK, she is teasing you and testing you. If nothing changes, she will continue what she is doing. If you tell her to stop, that's not going to get a good reaction. So, what will get a good reaction? Maybe, you tell her "Please, I'm not that kind of guy" while acting indignantly: "You just wnat me for my body;" "Please, as if you could be so lucky to get some of me;" "Please, stop fantasizing about me in that way." Something that feels right to you.

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