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is she just messing me around, or does she like me?


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So there's a girl i work with that i'm crazy about, I'd love to ask her out, but i can't tell if she's genuinely flirting with me or flirting for the fun of it. We get a long really well at work and i've hung out with her and a cpl of her friends a few times we had a great time, i was making her laugh, i got along with her friends famously yadda yadda yadda; but then a cpl days ago at work, i was gonna ask her if she wanted to go out for dinner and to see a movie, when i overhear a conversation she's having about how she hates men and how they're all jerks (she had a really bad breakup with her last boyfriend, so i can kind of understand).

We're goin out with a cpl of her friends on friday and saturday night and i was thinking about asking her to dinner either night (for next weekend or some time in the middle of the week). Should i maybe ask her friends if she's over her last bf/ready to start dating again, or should i just ask her myself?


I'm also kind of intimidated by her cause she seems to be quite experienced with dating (i don't mean she gets around, i jsut mean she's been in more relationships then i have) and to be completely honest if i were to start dating her she'd be my first, not only relationship wise, but sexually aswell(i'm a virgin). Should i even be worried about that or should i just "go with the flow" ?





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