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Hello Everyone,


I have a question. Many people on this forum have used the saying "If you let it go and it comes back then it was meant to be, but if it doesn't come back then it was never meant to be" or some iteration of that saying.


My question is what if you let her go and she wants to come back, but just can't find a way? That is how I feel she feels right now. That is how a lot of my friends tells me how she feels. I have not done any of the contacting lately, but she has. I know its very difficult for her to voice her feelings even to the people dearest to her. She calls me to ask some really simple questions that she should know the answer to already. I feel that she is just calling to talk to me, but doesn't know what to say. What do you guys think?



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hello splinter,


Do i think she is calling just to talk to you, well of course. If you are wanting to be back with her, then just let her know she can call you anytime she wants....even just to talk. Let her know that no reason is needed.


Does she want to be back with you? Don't know. Looks like she misses you, she just may not still be in the right place to talk about it yet. Sounds like you are doing all the right things..just give it time.

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Thanks Segagirl,


Yeah, I've told her that she can call me whenever. I told her that I will be her friend. I will probably talk to her soon, but lot of people tell me to leave her alone, which I have. Even though I've spoken to her a few times, I haven't called her myself. I'm planning to change that, but waiting until I am a little more sane and after a little therapy. Its just that time is running out before she moves back to her native country. I just feel that everytime she calls, she is reaching out to me and I am not coming through because I don't want to seem desperate even though I am



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