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K, the problem is.. I can't go to school. Reason why, it's hard to face my girlfriend and if I went to school then id be put in jail for fighting. I told my dad about it and he gave me hell about it. He said I was a pu**y and he hoped I didn't tell my friends why I haven't been going to school for the past 2 days.


Frankly, I think my father is a di**. I'm an emotional guy when it comes to girls. I've always had girlfriends in my life, but for some reason, it's hard to let this one go. Basically, my feelings got the best of me. I don't think my dad knows what i'm going through. He always explains fact to me. He doesn't ever try to be on my side when it comes to my problems. He just lays downs the facts and makes me feel guilty.


I talked to him about going to another school. He says that I need to face up to my problems. See, he STILL doesn't understand. At the rate this is going, I don't think I can ever go back to my school. I asked to go to North West High but he says "well if my boss chewed my * * * * * out, then id have to go to work still". I told him "well you're a lot older than me and you know how to deal with these kind of things better than I can". STILL gave me crap about it.


Do you know anything I can say or do to make a change? I don't think I can ever go to my currently high school.

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Suck it up!!!


I'm not trying to make light of your situation, I know it sucks right now for you. But part of growing up is dealing with stuff you don't want to.


In less than a year this is going to seem like ancient history. You probably won't even remember it in a couple years.


Just try to get through everything one day at a time. It makes you stronger. Keep your head up and realize that this is one of the smaller situations you'll have to deal with in life.


I hope I didn't offend you, I'm sure it hurts. But it will get better. Stay strong.

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dont blame it on your age.... Everyone goes through things that are hard for them... I was head over heels for this one girl i worked with... went on a couple dates, fooled around a bit... and she shattered my heart..... guess what? I still had to work with her everyday... and I hated seeing her, but I still went to work cause I had to.


To you it may seem like the end of the world, but for everyone else its just another obstacle that you will have to live with....


Not going to school is NOT an option.... letting something as trivial as this (and yes, it is trivial) Ruin your life is simply ridiculous....

Your dad sounds like he argues from a very rational standpoint.... and perhaps you should take a page out of that book.... you claim he states facts that make you feel guilty.... Well, I guess the truth can hurt sometime... and in the real world alot of people dont care about emotions too much...

I think your dad might be being a bit insensitive to you, but he is simply telling you the facts, there is no compromise on this.. and I think he is doing the right thing by saying you can't switch schools... you can't run from your problems forever...

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I'm afraid I don't understand. Not being able to face your girlfriend seems a really bizarre way to be. If you can't face her, be with your school friends, you're going to get into fights and you think your dad is no good then who is there left?


Being a teen (and even younger these days) really does suck at times, no doubt about it. Anybody past their teens has been through it, believe me. There are certainly some crappy times in life.


If you want us to advise, or suggest some things to do then you at least have to let us know what types of issues you are dealing with.


As for you telling your dad he can deal with stuff because he's older, yep, I think you're right on the money. And the way you learn to deal with stuff as you get older is a part of growing up, and that's where it sounds like you are now.


So ... let us know what's up. This girl, is she your gf or your ex gf now? Is that the issue? You too split up and it upsets you and you want to fight? If that's it you will get over it, but it can be tough. But you have to know that fighting isn't actually going to solve anything at all and it won't score any points with the ladies anyway.


As for the jail bit, what's up with that? Something you've already done? If so, what's done is done and you will have to face it at some point. If it's something you're afraid you might do, well you just have to dig really, really deep and find some self control. It's in you for sure, otherwise you wouldn't be appealing to us.


You're reaching out, and you've got some of us listening. Just give us some specifics, take things a step at a time and keep telling yourself you'll get through all of this.

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Would you rather go to juvenile detention?


I know you think we all seem like a bunch of insensitive adults.


But many of us are indeed adults, adults with experience that sometimes, we have to do things that we don't want to.


Not everything in life is easy.


Not everything in life is even possible.


But you need to at least make an effort to overcome your fears and issues.


If I were your father, I'd call the police and report that you were refusing to go.

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The biggest reason is that if I go to school, i'm gonna get into a fight with a guy my girl messed with. Well basically, he messed with her. She gave him blowjobs and all that other stuff. So, i'm gonna take everything out on him. I'll put him through the pain I went through. But worse. I don't care if I go to jail because of it. But it'll make me feel a lot better if he's in the hospital on life support. I don't care if I go to juvenile Detention. As long as it's not the current school I am at, then i'm completely cool with it.

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Atticus, Why don't you ask your father to make an appointment for you to see a counselor? Or go to the counselor at your school.


You are old enough to know right from wrong.


I know it hurts! And I know revenge seems like something you cannot control.


But you can. You can control yourself. You just have to want to. I really don't want to see in the paper that you went to school and are now being charged with battery and murder.


Find a way to work through this. You have to.

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I have a severe anger problem. My dad is aware of that. My dad made an appointment with a therapist for January. I can't stay out of school that long. I need something done RIGHT NOW. Not toomorow, but RIGHT NOW. When it comes to my anger, I don't have control over it. School conselers are * * * *. They just listen and don't say a word after your done.

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Hi Atticus I'm sorry for the hurt your feeling. But now is the time to make a decision.


Your age is irrelevant to your problem.

If you are old enough to get into a relationship, than you are old enough to be aware of the risks & heartbreak involved. And NOW is the time to learn how to handle it.


Beating the 'other man up' won't help heal your heart...but it will bring your problem to an entire other level. With far MORE issues to take care of that I KNOW you don't want. Look at the big picture & you will see This way of handling things will not benefit your life it will do the opposite it will f&*^ your life more than you know.


Getting into relitionships & knowing how to handle them is hard.

But what your dad is telling you about 'what happens when your boss.....ect' IS TRUE. No matter what happeneds in your relationships, you still have a life to live.

Running from your problems won't fix anything & you can't keep running. It's time you learn how to handle them.

And the best way right now is to Go to school get your education (cause that is what will get you places you want to be) avoid her & him, and continue on with your life. Because handling hurt maturly is all a part of growing up. Now that you are dating, You have to grow up.


We have all been hurt by someone & we have all had to face them again & again. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your life, your future.


Hurting someone so they feel what you felt.....as appealing as it sounds, doesn't feel as good as you would think& the consequences of it, hurt most.


This is a moment in your life that will change your life. It's your choice how you handle it & where it will take you.

1. Either run from your problems to avoid learning how to handle them (which will get you nowhere in life but to keep on running eveytime)

2. beat him up - which will feed the violence & anger in you & will bring out the worst in you and take you places you don't want to be.

3. Go back to school get your education & move on with your life. face them maturely. And learn from this. Learn so you know how to handle relationships. Yes this is by far the hardest choice of all, but that's because you get the most out of it.

The easy choice is never the right one. look at the big picture.

I wish you the best Atticus

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I would take some serious time to think things through in the long term. No ex-gf is worth pretty much destroying your entire life... If you think sending a kid to the hospital because you beat the hell out of him will improve your situation you are VERY wrong. If you decide that beating up this kid is the only way to settle this you are looking at


Obvisouly getting kicked out of school and losing all your friends.

Having to deal with therapy for a VERY long time.

Probably losing your parent's respect.

The extra cost of all this on your parents.

Perhaps jail time.

A bad education.

No college.

No chance of rebuilding friendships, since most people will be at school moving forwards.

And ya, a pretty boring, meaningless life, all because you felt that revenge was the best path..... go to school, ignore your ***** girlfriend and the ***hole that was part of it.... hell, if you want revenge you can always just destroy her reputation... thats still a big thing in high school right?

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sorry, but i'm going to have to agree with your dad. why, because you need to learn how to deal with situations like this. you can't always bail out of things (school, work, etc.) every time you get an urge to leave.


what if you get a full time job one day, and you can't stand one of your coworkers? are you going to quit just because of that one person? your dad is hoping that you're not. he's trying to toughen you up a bit, and prevent you from running away from your issues/problems that might arise in the future.


do what you gotta do. in the course of a lifetime, does this really matter?

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My dad took me to a juivinle detention center and showed me what it'd be like if I missed so many days of school. He had me convinced that it would be bad. My dad is gonna move my seat up to the front of the class so I don't get bothered by my ex. I appreciate all your help and support.



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My dad took me to a juivinle detention center and showed me what it'd be like if I missed so many days of school. He had me convinced that it would be bad. My dad is gonna move my seat up to the front of the class so I don't get bothered by my ex. I appreciate all your help and support.




Wow, your dad sounds awesome!!!

I hope that works out for you jason. wish you the best

Stay strong & be positive

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My dad took me to a juivinle detention center and showed me what it'd be like if I missed so many days of school. He had me convinced that it would be bad. My dad is gonna move my seat up to the front of the class so I don't get bothered by my ex. I appreciate all your help and support.




Jason - You and your dad are awesome!


Chin up! I hope school is going better for you!!

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