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funny... but like crazy if he doesnt call

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when i think about this i laught


the other day i was waiting for my bf's call like everyday around 7pm. time was passing by and no call at all. i was getting ancious and when it was already 10pm i started calling to his cellphone many times, maybe 10 or 15 times. he didnt anwsered so i was like crazy and crying cause of the bad feelings i get when this happenes(isnt common but when it does i get very worried)


then he finally called and he said he was sorry he fell asleepy. gosh! he was just sleeping and i was making a big scene in front of my mom ](*,) i was very tired of crying and with a big headache, so i told him that it was okey and i wanted to better talk tomorrow cause i wasnt feeling good. he asked: aren't you feeling good cause i fell asleepy? i didnt know what to say, i just said no, but i needed to rest cause it was late.


i dont know why i react the way but i think i have some reasons to do it. ummm, anyway i'd like to hear your advise, i think i have to be some carefree if this happenes.

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Well what you are displaying is that you don't have a life of your own and that you cannot live without him, or in other words you are being clingy which you should replace with loving him, but being in the full knowlegde that you do not and cannot 'own' a person. This is basically what is wrong, because if he would break up, you would be 'shattered', you should never go into a relationship thinking it will work out, and especially not because it concerns you. Reality is that a person can pick up his bags and leave anyday. And you should be aware and prepared for it as a possibility to happen.

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yeah robo, i agree with you, i have to be realistic and step ground. actually i try to be realistic, but in a possitive way, cause even i could be pessimistic thinking maybe he's doing wrong just when he's not calling me in time, after that im very faithful to our LDR.


i know sometimes im being childish, and everyone is sometimes. that's why i said it's funny, in my opinion i'm just afraid that if something happenes, it will take long to find out, but im getting the picture i have to take it easy and to not behave as a little girl.

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lol this happens to me alllll the time!

I thought I was the only one that feels that way. I think it's because you love him and you feel insecure and would like to know what he's doing. Sometimes your mind begins assuming things (I know mine does) and it makes you worried and angry and leaves you feeling like he just doesn't care, when in actuality, he could just be sleeping! That has happened to me lots of times! lol

Guys are just clueless sometimes and don't think that girls need a lot of reminders that they care about them! It's just one of those things that guys do that makes us all without them even realizing it!

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hey mistical, its good to know that im not the only one being like that when this happens

yeah, you are right when you say that your mind begins assuming. that's the worst thing you can feel. my bf always let me know if he's going to see a friend and that possibly he'll be late to call me. i like him to let me know.


the problem this time was he fell asleepy, so no sms to let me know why he'snt calling. being in a LDR is in some way frustrated cause you could be afraid that one of you eventually will quick calling and will completily dessapear of your life. this is not my case yet. but people say anything is for granted.

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yeah that's exactly what I'm always worried about! I'm scared he's going to disappear from my life or find some other girl that lives close to him that he can actually spend time with. For some reason guys don't seem to worry about that as much or if they do, they don't show it!


My situation is a little different though! We have never decided upon anything exclusive, so I always worry. He always has a non-chalant attitude about things even when I straight up asked him about a girl that he seemed to be getting friendly with! It made me really jealous, but after I talked it over with him, he told me that he just met her and that she was "strange and has a boyfriend." It made me feel a whole lot better and put my mind at ease. So maybe talking things over helps if you worry a whole lot. However, my only problem is that he thinks we will "always still be friends" even if he finds someone else he likes. And that can make a girl really crazy! lol so you're lucky you just have that to worry about!

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Ya... I know exactly how you feel. My bf always "ignore" my calls. When I ask him why he would say he was sleeping or low battery or the phone was not with him.


Sometimes I could call up to 10-15 times... And then starting wondering if he is trying to ignore me or going out with someone. I have to admit that I am too scared to lose him - just disappear from my life one day.

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EEEP! Can I just say, y'all're sayin' some real red flags...


He ignores you? Some of you are afraid of getting forgotten? You have to call 10-15 times?




Y'all are the GIRLFRIEND! --not the IRS person or some stranger on the street.

You are *supposed* to be one of the most important people in his life! If you don't feel like this, you need to make some adjustments. If he doesn't TREAT you like one of the most important people in his life, than he is taking you for granted.. don't take that from him! The way you have your relationships set up now.. don't expect them to "suddenly" get better if he decides to take the relationship a step further or something.

It won't.

Y'all'll still have the relationship dynamics that you have now.


Relationships are built from day one with love and appreciation for each other.


Y'all need to step BACK from these relationships a bit if you're doin' all the work.. not abandon them, but get some perspective! Let him see what he's missing.. and maybe see what YOU'RE missing..


I was in an LDR where he took me for granted. I called, IM'd, and emailed HIM, I did everything, did all the initiating. I ended up breaking up with him even though we'd been together for a (most of the time wonderful!) 8 months because I knew after a while that it wouldn't get better between us. Later, I found happiness with a guy who adores me and loves me back just as MUCH as I love him! (lol and about 7,000 miles further away.)


It's give and take folks, and I don't mean YOU give and THEY take..


I hope what I've said just makes some of you think and some others appreciate what you have.


Just MHO,



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I completely agree.


You guys are not making a big deal at all. If it happens once and he has an excuse, fine, but if it happens often? Bull * * * *, take it from a guy. And was his phone on silent when he was sleeping that he didnt hear it for 3 hours?


I think it makes sense to worry when you are trying to call your significant other and you dont get in touch with them for hours and (if it happens often) you should def be suspicious.

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