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how do i learn to love my body the way it is

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i've been going out with my boyfriend for eleven months on saturday, he says he absolutely loves my body the way it is, but, the problem is, i don't, and i want to do something about it. I'm 150 lbs, 5'4, and 19. ppl tend to say that i look like i weigh 135. im spanish so my butt is like JLo's.. my legs are not chicken legs, they're more like turkey legs, huge, and im not too happy about it....i'm losing my self esteem, my determination, and i want to do something about it....

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I agree, but if you aren't happy with it, then you need to make a change. Maybe change your diet and exercise more, it will make you feel a lot better about yourself. I just started going back to the gym a month ago and I feel so much better now about my body, even though I'm not exactly where I want to be right now as far as my physique, I know if I keep it up I'll be in the shape I want to be in really soon. Just keep yourself motivated and think how happy you'll be when you start noticing the results, trust me it's worth it.

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I know what it is like to have a boyfriend who finds you to be great but you can't get over how you feel about yourself. Maybe going jogging or working out a little bit can help you lose a little weight so that you will feel better. I have a ton of moles and I refuse to wear any tanks that will show even the smallest one on my back. so many people say things about it and always have. even if they don't i feel like people are just staring at them. I decided to go to the dermatologist to have a couple removed and I feel ten times better. I also have giant calves because i did ballet for most of my life. No one else seems to notice them though. and I'm very faired skinned so a lot of people poke fun at me because of that.


I guess the best thing to do is to teach yourself that you are beautiful. I know it is really hard. but if i were you i would start exercising until i got to a weight that i was happy with. My aunt just lost 40lbs by doing jazzersize twice a week and she is down to 140 now. she feels great. try to find something that you will enjoy doing. if your boyfriend loves you then he will stay with you. just also try to remember that you are only 19. you can so easily start making changes. it will take time though. but it'll be easier than when you are 40 and trying to lose the weight. also i would try to stick around people that honestly care about you. people who make fun are just cruel and they will get theirs in the future. trust me. please don't worry if your boyfriend will still love you or not. if he does he will stay and be happy with whatever you look like. i would try to get a personal trainer if you can afford it. if not i can give you some suggestions. the weight won't dissappear over night or maybe even a month. maybe that is because you are putting on muscle. who knows. but don't give up.and if you need any more advice on what you can do e-mail me!

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when my brother WAS an excercise fanatic he read a lot of muscle mags, and learned a lot , he tells me that i don't look like a 150 rather i look lighter, he's not the only one who has told me this, since i became vegitarian i "lost" about 10 pounds, i say "lost" becuz i weigh myself about 4 months ago and i weighed 150, ppl that haven't seen me for a few weeks tell me that i look great and ask me if ive been excercising, truth is that i haven't lost anything, i just weighed myself about 3 wks ago and i still weigh 150, this is where my brother comes in,(if this is confusing im sorry), he tells me that i must have more musle than i do fat, becuz my body does not show 150, and it is possible becuz muscle weighs more than fat

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I just wanted to tell you about your weight...Ok when I told my boyfried that I weight 130, he didn't believe, he said I'm too perfect for 130...but I heard that if you have heavy bones, they make you much heavier then the way you look...

Sorry if thet didn't help you, but I was very stressed about my weight, so I don't think you should worry about it, I'm not....well, not anymore))

And if you decide to go on a diet, don't make it a crazy one....I just quit with FAST FOOD...no pizza, no fried, no dessert....and I lost 15 pounds in 1 year, last summer I was 145, so try it

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