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Confused...it's becoming a habit! hehe

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Ok so I feel like a hypocrite! Seriously…I am a girl…almost 18…and have always liked guys. Now I found myself almost "in love" with a woman or however this feeling may be called…and even though there's nothing I can do to "prove" if this feeling is more than friendship it does feel like I like her more than I ever liked any guy in my life…PROBLEM: I used to be homophobic…I mean I can still say that I don't like women, I don't feel attracted to them…and even though there is this exception to the rule (that's how I've been calling it) I don't consider myself bi or lesbian at all…seriously…but I can't explain what it is then….it's very confusing! Has anyone ever felt the same way or kind of knows what this may be?! =o

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yes - its called normal.


We all have feelings for people. Same sex or opposite. Sometimes the feelings are stronger and thereforeeee more clearly recognised but we all have them.


Don't worry - you're not contagious, you didn't catch a "disease" or anything - you're just....normal and have a same sex crush. The faster you can accept it, the faster you can move on.

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Okay I gotta admit it...I was silly...and probably did not explain myself very well...=S I have accepted it and have really realized I do really like her a LOT...seriously and I can't do anything about it because she's so mature and so great and older...twelve years to be exact...but still when we talk it's like there's nothing wrong with my feelings...when I come back to reality...she sees me as her lil sister and I just see her as the perfect partner for me! =$

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