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Toss her into a wall...choke her, pull her hair...


Still not my style...I'm a candle light and silk sheets kind of guy myself...but don't worry some girls want that soft love and some want it hard...so there's your advice...if you want to give her the tough stuff...choke her a little, pull her hair...and well I'm sure you can figure out the rest

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Not sure about the choking and hair pulling. Being a guy, I've no relevant experience, that other than when my gf wanted me to be more aggresive, she wanted to be surprised, for me to take charge, do it in unusual places in the house, don't ask permission, start something with no warning, not be so sweet and gentle, just a touch rough, etc.

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I've gotta agree with Ash. Your girlfriend probably doesn't want you to beat her up, just to be a little more pushy. Alot of the times girls can be turned on when a guy seems to NEED the sex- makes them feel wanted. So be a little more forceful, but there's no need to scratch her or shove her into a wall.

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Hi there,


Maybe the word she was really looking for was passionate! You don't have to be mean to be more aggressive (unless she's into that sort of thing) but I really think it is more passion she is looking for, which will make the love making more 'aggressive' so to speak.


Kiss her like a sailor that has been away at sea for 6 months! ;-)


just my opinion



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me and my boyfriend love to have aggression in our sex. i love it when he grabs my hands and holds them back so i cant do anything to stop him when he surprises him...he loves it when i bite him LIGHTLY here and there...it can be really fun...try the officer approach, maybe come up behind her and tell her to do things for you or bite the back of her neck like a vampire and hold her tight in your arms, just make sure not to brake her into pieces, and if you decide to bite dont bite her where she may be tickleish...ok...have fun

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  • 2 months later...

Let me help you here, girl. For a woman to want to feel someone aggressive in the bed means they want to play the submissive role, for someone to express that passion to contol the moment and be so into her. When the heat rises, it comes a little bit more natural know what youre hot for and what you can take (and i mean take)! I dont follow the theory that there are roles required in a relationship (because both myself and my girl and femmes), but check your characteristic and your girl's. would you be the domineering one? something to think about. aggressive can be shown in the midst of passion as to how deep you thrust, or how hard you pinch. dont be scared to hurt her, because im sure she'll tell you, as she told you to be more aggressive. handle that, girl!

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