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Male Perspective Needed!!

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I am not old 28, but I think its a matter of if you want to meet somone sincere, they should be attracted to the things that make you who you are.

If your younger, then you will have energy, fresh opinions on life, but they will like you fro who you are. I kinda understand where you are coming from with this, but let your true self shine through, and shw that you have a mature head on your shoulders first. If you are attracted to someone older that you, then you should have all the assets in place that will make you attractive to them.

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Heh I think that sometimes... Hmmm wish i had a oyunger girl that would be nice. Then I think, hmmm... with I had an older girl that wouldbe nice.


I reckon more often than not it's just a variety thing. A change is as good as a holiday they say and like grantw said, you're alot funner when you're a younger person. More vitality, more joyous!


Some guys who take young girls might be doing it because they are insecure, and being with someone younger makes them feel better about themself and more in control than being with someone on the same level as them.


Anyway there are many reasons, and it will differ from guy to girl. As for myself? As I'm only 21 'younger' girls for me reside in the chaotic age bracket of teenagism, so frankly... I don't trust them For most people that's too young to be getting serious anyway.


I hope that kind of helped, even just a little bit

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I'm an 'old guy' (40). I likely wouldn't really look for anybody more than 10 years younger than myself, and probably to a lot of the people this list, that would still be old.


But what I would be looking for (and am likely quite bound to find it) would be maturity and stability. I'd also be looking for things like genuine affection and togetherness. Certainly (and I'll be very shallow) there could very well be a physical side to it, I might find somebody younger to be slightly more attractive.


I would be concerned that social interactions would be different. As we age, we tend to pull along a lot of things from our youth. That, in conjunction with generally mellowing as we age, there could end up being a bit of a disparity in what a couple considered fun things to do. I mean going out to dinner, dancing, bars etc. A sizeable age gap may result in each of the partners having different notions of what was fun, or acceptable, or enjoyable. A few years difference wouldn't matter, but more than that, and I suspect things would start to creep in. I could be wrong, I've no personal experience to base it all on!

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Well I feel that I need to comment here.


Although i am in a realtionship with a young lady that is 13 yrs younger than I, I must say that it wasn't intentional. Love does not see age or color. But I do not see her as being younger than I. I see her as being my equal. That is so important that is major part of this type of relationship. With an age difference so many time the younger of the two will feel that they are being parented or controled. Howver, it very well may be the case that the younger has more life experiences than the older. Maturity level of each part involved is also a big factor. Both need to understand that neither is better or knows more than the other. We all have differents amoutns of knowledge on various things and in some ways we are each an expert in things that ohters are not. So respect that other person as see them as an equal.


Now that I have completely gotten off topic, let me address what men MAY look for in a younger woman. Being male I would venture to say that men going through a mid life crisis may look for someone who is younger to give them a sense of feeling young. It gives them a new outlook on life in a way that they are no longer growning old. inevitably we all will grow old and need to accept that fact. But if I had to guess as to why, that would have my vote.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol this will be interesting I am the younger woman.

Sorry I have a strange sense of humor. My husband is 14 years older than me. We are together because of our religious beliefs our political views and our never satisfied hunger for books. It is true things aren't all milk and honey but life is so worth it. Our minds can clash like the titans or meld to such perfection we make people sick . The thing that got his attention was my "ability to understand the way his mind worked" that and the fact that I give great back rubs Be patient supportive but remember you have a life and dreams and oppinions!


The Younger Woman

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