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Can't Stop Crying At Work...

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I have been crying at work lately because my temp job is almost over. It's hands down the best job I have ever had. I enjoy the work (it does not feel like work) and I love the people I work with. I've only been there for 5 months but it feels like I've been there longer. Anyway, I've been taking the place of a woman on maternity leave and she returns on Monday. I've gotten a lot of praise from people in the company and having to leave is tearing me up. Any suggestions on how I can survive these next few days??? I feel really embarrassed that some people have seen me crying but it's only because the job means a lot to me. I understand I can do nothing about the woman that is returning from her leave--it is her job. I just need to know how to cope with this.


There's been some talk of giving me a position in another department but I have heard nothing concrete yet and time is ticking. Plus, if I am given a position in the same location I'm afraid it will upset me seeing her working the job I enjoyed so much.

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i feel really badly for you. i know what it's like to work somewhere you love and you get along so well with the people. when i'm at work it doesn't feel like work because i don't have a problem with anyone (except maybe 1 or 2 people). The peoples what makes it for me. All i can say is things happen for a reason and there's something better waiting to come along and maybe it already has. You say you are being considered for another department, good luck i hope you get it. if you've really made a good impression i can't see you going anywhere too fast.

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There's been some talk of giving me a position in another department but I have heard nothing concrete yet and time is ticking.


go all out. don't wait until you've left the company to apply because often times: out of sight, out of mind. you have your best chance to get that job while still working there. it might not be the same great job, but if the pay is good and the people are good, and the job is okay, then really go for it. don't delay!

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