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Well i've come to a decision...=)


I've said before on here that i want my ex back and have explained what happened - I know that i wanted him back and thought being friends would get that to happen..


After a party i went to on saturday and after asking him questions - It has made me realise that knowing him just isn't going to work for me ~ we've always been very good friends and it's just gone now - He has no real answers for me apart from 'I don't know' 'I don't mind' 'Ok' and 'No'....Which doesn't really help me.


I Don't really think any of this is making sense....But basically i'm going to go for the NC and i can't have anything to do with him - Like ATALL!


Which is a bit unfair as it means i can't be with my other friends at the same time...But i gotta do whats best right?


Well i'm hoping it works =)



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Good for you, Moopem! I hear you, it's painful to see a person who was so close to you suddenly become so distant, cold and unwilling to communicate. It's bad enough when he's still friendly but doesn't have that spark anymore...but when he doesn't even want to be friends, why should you make the effort? NC all the way, girl!

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Break ups are one of the worst things a person can go through. You are doing the right thing by starting NC. Talking to the ex is a sure way to prevent healing. It is going to be hard especially the first few weeks but it will help you to feel better after a little time passes. We have all gone through what you are going through at some point and it is 100% true that it does get better.

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