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Psycho Birth Mother Just Attacked Me...

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I'm turning 17 this week and i have a younger brother of 15 (but he will be 16 in the next few months).


He has always been the one to cause trouble and police come round the house to collect him or arrest him for something stupid he done, and being the moron that he is he is also dumb enough to get caught. He has been suspended from school from a young age and has now been kicked out of high school. I have only been suspended twice but i have finished school and i am now at college.


Just after i started college...my female birth parent decided to scream and shout at me because i was teasing my little brother (which is what older brothers and sisters do basically). Then being the stubborn that she is she also stopped talking to me, which i had no problem with. Less conversations wih her means less hassle for me because she was always angry with me EVERY weekend for some stupid reason. And it's never what i say, it's the way i say it... which is stupid because there's only one way to say things.


About two weeks ago now i was running a bath for myself, and she popped up out of nowhere saying she wanted to use the bathroom. After i let the water out she decided to jump up and down and scream like the hysterical crazy she is, so i turned up my music so i coudn't hear her. When she burst into my room she ORDERED me to turn it down, and i didn't so she picked up me cd player and threw it on the floor. I picked up my cd player and turned it back on. So she came back in and decided to smash it against the radiator... in the end she finally broke the cd player my uncle bought me as a GIFT last christmas... or the christmas before i can't remember... So i decided i am definitely not talking to her after she broke my gift from my uncle.


Every sunday i go to my aunty's house, this sunday my nanny was there and i went down to see her. Crazy birth mother didn't go because she is not talking to my uncle, my aunties and neither one of my cousins that were there... she is also not talking to me or my younger brother. NOTICE THE PATTERN, EVERYONE IS TALKING TO EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT FOR HER...So instead of her visiting her sick mum she decides to stay down here and swim in self pity. I assure you she can swim in it cause she feels that much pity for herself.


She is always feeling sorry for herself, and complaining about how she had a bad childhood. But instead of she just try to forget it, she keeps bringing it up and reliving whatever pain she went through back then ¬_¬ She alway said she was the one that got picked on, she was the one that got beaten, and she was the one that got in the most trouble...but she never did anything wrong ¬_¬ riiiiiiiiiiight...


Today she was in my room talking to my older sister (aka the suck up/mini-mum) so i went in the bathroom to wait for her to come out and as i open the bathroom door she flies at me telling me i have no respect for her???? This is coming from the women who goes out of her way to walk all the was down the stairs if she sees either me or my brother near the stairs. This is the same women tha hasn't talked to me for weeks, hasn't asked me how college is, doesn't bother to offer to give me money for lunch... (no i don't have a job, i'm looking and have been since july ¬_¬ no luck at all)...the same woman who doesn't talk to her three out of four sisters and one of her two brothers... the same woman that won't visit her sick mother (my nanny) ¬_¬... so while im telling her to get off of me my sister is shouting at me to shut up. You see it? MY SISTER WANTS ME TO SHUT UP WHILE MY BIRTH MOTHER IS ATTACKING ME ¬_¬


So i'm telling my sister to leave me alone and she does for a while, but stupid crazy skanky mother pushes me into mine and my sisters bedroom to attack me somemore, and while she's doing that i'm telling her to leave me alone and go away. But she decides to jump in my face and spraying everywhere while she's screaming for me to get out of her face ¬_¬ oh and has she never heard say it don't spray it. So i'm trying to get out of my room so she and mini-mum can converse about how i have no manners... but she won't let me. Instead my dad has to come and open the door and grab her off of me... while my mini-mum is ginoring what i said earlier and telling me to shutup and have respect for mum. So basically i'm a big soon-to-be-seventeen year old girl that has to stand there and get beaten up ¬_¬


And i've noticed everyone that has come in her life has called her crazy but i didn't believe it... of course... me being the naive little daughter she expected me to be forever... but i've come to realise she is crazy... i see it, everyone else sees it... final conclusion >>> i hate her


MY handis now swolen, and my eyes were stinging me when she was tackling me... i have also got a cut lip.


Thank you for your time you guys =]

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LOL no i just really don't fel like calling her my "mother" it's like she's completely different compared to the rest of the family. Yeah we do have our little arguments but she just goes over board. And over the past few months i noticed i don't like her personality. No offence yeah but i think she's racist, i am offended by most of the things she says about white people and/or asian people cause i hang aorund with alot of different people and race has never been an issue for me. She is stubborn and one time i must of asked her "if your mum's dying wisdh was to speak to your brothers and sisters, would you do it?"... can you BELIEVE the woman said "NO"...

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If she is treating you the way you say she is that is abusive behavior.


She told you she was abused growing up? She very well likely could have been as this is something that can then continue on for the rest of her life.


Has she ever gone to counseling? Have you?


What about you two going together to try to repair your relationship?


You are in college now? Did you graduate early then?


If its as bad as you say, what about your moving out, possibly to live with another family member.... could that happen? One of your aunts or your grandmother that you mention?

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Oh the schools and stuff over england (where i am now) are completely different to the ones in america... lol. Other family members will probabl be reluctant to take me in seeing as when she kicked out my brother and he went to stay down there, it resulted in oone big argument and who said what and so on... My nanny lives tooooooo far away and is tooooo sick to take me in, besides i still got colege to go to =]


And i don't think she was abused, that sounds bad... she was disciplined... and she can't even complain cause my older aunties got the worst beatings out of all of them, she's just exaggerating... she blames my youngest aunty for everything that happened to her which is completely stupid because my aunty only lied on her one time and she keeps going on about it. Infact i saw that same aunty yesterday and she doesn't go on about stupid things like that...


And counselling costs money, which i am short of at the moment seeing as i don't have a job and i don't think counselling would work cause she only hears what she wants to hear... she's right, everyone else is wrong... she thinks we all talk about her. Like today at the little family renunion thing we had she thinks we all sat down and had a good long chat abotu her... which is so untrue, we were actually catching up cause we haven't seen eachother for a long time and my nanny is unwell so i was talking to her for a while...

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you're in a bad situation. she has no right no break your things and do you physical harm. is it possible for you to get a job soon and move in with a friend, and just try and humor your mother to keep her calm in the meantime? i don't blame you for losing your respect for her, but by showing it you'll just bring more trouble on yourself.

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I'm looking for jobs at the moment and i don't want to be a burden on my friends cause they have boyfriends and it would feel like i'm in the way...etc...


And about the respect thing, it's hard to show her any respect at all cause i dislike her as a person and during the time that we haven't spoken i've really bgean to know the REAL her. Today was so the the FINAL thing that made me snap, i never thought i'd say this but i'm beginning to hate her as a person...


Oh and my dad has an apartment not too far from here, but i've already asked him and he said no... but only cause my older half brother is staying down there and they kind of fell out... i think they had an argument and my brother pushed my dad down the stairs... so... yeah... oh and he smokes cannabis =] but i like him... he's alright with me...

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You know, if it gets too much to handle you can also stay for free as long as you want in a shelter...


Yeah. Where i lived i once stayed in one for a few weeks, they arent that bad at all, get to meet new people its quite cool.


When i was staying in the shelter, there was also someone the was stealing from everyone esle, then one night there was this big fight all females yelling at eachother and everything, i wasnt involved in it tho i stayed out it of course. Its interesting though, get to meet different kind of people, just go by the rules and you will have no problem

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