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I just found out that my best friend tried to commit suicide by over dosing on some pills. His GF, whom is also one of my friends, called me up and told me. Here's some background info: They were keeping their relationship secret becuase we're seniors, and shes a sophmore. Her friends were not very accepting of my friend(her BF). Someone told her friends they were going out and gave her two options that were either to break up with him, or loose their friendship.


My question is that when i go to visit him tomorrow in the hospital what should i say?? Or more importantly not say?? We are best friends, and he had tried to get a hold of me before he tried to commit suicide.

She was wondering if she should visit him or not, what do you guys think??

Thanks for all replys!


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He's not serious about suicide he just wants attention.


You dont know that. Plus it could be just a cry for help, so back off and leave this guy alone since you dont know why or how he feels.


Hey but year go and see him talk to him like you always would and tell him you care and if he ever thinks aout doing something like that again that you are always there for him to talk to and listen.


As for the gf i really thinks she should go, right now he proberly is feeling like a fool and feels like he may have lost his gf and friends, if no one goes and sees him. Right now he needs people around him that care and that will make him feel better

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You say, "You got me now ok, I am here for you and will help and support you all I can, don't ever feel alone again".


I personally would wait until you have spoken to him and asked him about her visiting, he is at rock bottom and may need some time to center himself before coming face to face with her again.


Hopefully he will get counselling offered to him by the hospital and I would encourage him to go.

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best thing to do is just be there, smile say Hi and ask do you wont to talk about it. If not talk about over up beat things, like planes for the futuer and things he likes in his life. Talk about his mum and dad and how they are doing. If he dos not wont to talk to stay with him, beeing there can main more thank any thing.


dont get up set your self but do show that you would miss him.


all this locks him back into his life opens up his view and we hope let him see hes needed and loved.


well thats my take on this

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Thanks for all the advice everyone. Ill ask him if he wants her to visit and then tell her. I have told her that the whole reason for this all happening is stupid and that her friends should either respect her decisions, or she should find new ones.

Thanks again for the advice.


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