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Gotta Tattoo Question....help!!!

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Hey people iam 18 now !!!

Iam trying to get a tattoo soon when I turn 21 though. My first one is going to be the west coast custom symbole by jesse james!!! And then when I work myself up to it I will get a flame job on my right arm. So the view from my parents is they dont want me to get one bu I really want to !!! So guys what do u think should I get it or not!!

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Cool!! My advice though is go to the best tattoo parlour you can afford - if you can't afford the best then wait until you can. These things are for life. This is not the time to go to the "walmart" of tattoo parlours. Scrimp on sox and underwear - not on tattoos!

Ask around as to where others got theirs or google places. Tattoo conventions are good places to visit too.

Make sure the place you go to follows the safety codes.

Be 100% sure of what you want - there's no turning back.

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A maltese cross and flames, pretty original. Give it some more time, and go to a real artist and try to come up with something of your own, not just some hack job flash stuff.


I wouldn't worry about tattoos affecting your job much anymore though. I just have some more filling and shading to finish off on my right sleeve and then I think I will be done with mine for a while. I have a breastplate tattoo that follows into my sleeve, and it follows all the way down my arm to about a half an inch below my thumb. I'm an Engineering student and the company I worked for in the summer said they don't care, it doesn't matter just working in the office, and when you have anything formal to go to you're wearing a suit anyways. A good friend of mine has graduated already with his B.Sc Eng as well as an MBA and he has two full sleeves and a tattoo on the side of his neck, and he hasn't had any flak from it.

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Hey people iam 18 now !!!

Iam trying to get a tattoo soon when I turn 21 though. My first one is going to be the west coast custom symbole by jesse james!!! And then when I work myself up to it I will get a flame job on my right arm. So the view from my parents is they dont want me to get one bu I really want to !!! So guys what do u think should I get it or not!!


Wait till you're 21. tattoos hurt real bad

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GottabONG!!!!!! FABULOUS name!!!! Brilliant!!!


I have a tattoo.......on my lower back. I'm a professional and as long as it's in a discreet spot it shouldn't matter really. Tatts can be sexy in the right spot.....but you're only 18, so don't be thinking I am trying to hit on ya!!

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I see nothing wrong with tattoos. There will probably be some people that recommend not getting one at all. I wouldn't tell you to get one or not to get one. But if you do get one, be sure you fully think it over on what you want and where.


Be sure you go to a reputable establishment and inquire about their health and safety guidelines that they use while tattooing.


I like the idea of visiting the place a few times and getting an accurate idea of what you are wanting and discuss it with the tattooist.


My son is 20 yrs old and he got his first tattoo at age 18 and now has ten of them. My daughter is 25 yrs old and got her first one at age 18 as well, and now has five of them. They both have tasteful and well done tattoos.


I never told either of them not to get one. Afterall they were adults and of legal consent age to get one at age 18, so the only thing I did was advise them of the safety aspects and permament aspect of getting tatts and then they made their own decisions.


I find tattoos to be quite sexy even though I do not personally have any. I think that if they are not offensive and are tastefully and professionally done that they look great.

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i agree, talk to people you know who have them, ask where they had them done. go to the best place. I agree, do not scrimp on this! go to a reputable place that does good work. you will have this the rest of your life, so it better be done well and right!


I agree, think about putting it in a discreet area. somewhere that can be covered with business clothing. you never know, 10 years from now, you might want a conservative job. it's just a possibility.


another thing - wear a fake tattoo for a while, and decide if you like it and like looking at it all the time.

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