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To sum things up about 3 weeks ago my bf of 21 months and I broke up. We are both 25 years old and basically he came up with the excuse that he had to figure his life out. I had a feeling that there was someone else and apparently I was somewhat right. It has been 2 weeks of no contact at all on my part. I received a short email from him a few days ago asking to return some stuff but that was it.


My question is this.....I noticed he has been logging on and checking my space account. Is that normal behavior of someone who doesnt want to be with someone? Could it be that be not chasing him is making him curious? I know i still need time to sort my own feelings out, is no contact the right things to do? I do miss him but I dont want to persue anything, I want him to sort his feelings out and realize what he wants and if it is me then he needs to work to earn my trust and love back. Im just so confused!

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hwy 2lil - I'm sorry you're confused.


I have no idea what it means that he's checking your myspace acct. Maybe it just means that its harder than one thinks to write someone off that they've known for so long. He may just be trying to check in quietly.


But hey, how do you know if someone looks at your myspace?

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Anything less than him calling you and saying "I made a huge mistake and I want to get back together" is meaningless, irrelevant. Focusing on that kind of internet logging in stuff will only make you crazy and overanalyze. It could be a variety of reasons - he misses you but not enough to want to get back together, he wants you to know he is checking your profile so that he can keep the door slightly open, he wants to see if you added any friends, etc. My advice - block him from viewing it.

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I think you're on the right track! They do get curious when you don't contact them but it's not necessarily an indication that he wants you back. He's probably still emotionally attached to you and misses you but that's not evidence that he wants to be with you. You are right to try to sort your own feelings out! Get to know yourself better and be strong... perhaps there is hope but you sound like you are really doing the right thing for now! Wish you the best! Sofia

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I'm with the others. He probably is curious about what your doing, its natural. My ex did that to me when we broke up, she would check my myspace, and my AIM stuff all the time. It drove me nuts, I had to remove her. Your going to kill yourself wondering, I'd remove it.. And move forward.


If he wants to come back he will.

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