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i need help, comfort, and advice. the condum riped and im scared


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so yesterday i spent an amazing time with my gf which ive been goin out with for 8 months now. yesterday we sex and i thought everything was ok but after i came and pulled out, we saw that the comdum riped

im soooo scared right now because im not ready to have a child and i need to know if there is a chance she would not be pregnant. ive been praying almost all the time wishing and begging for her not to be pregnant.

i need some info that can help if there is a chance she wont be pregnant at all. i dont want to have to get a pregnancy test but if i have to i will.

please help me...any comfort would help me.

has this happened to anyone? ansd she didnt get pregnant? and what are my options right now on what i can do


please anything and a reply would help me so much



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I see you are posting from Ohio.


Call the local Planned Parenthood there or Clinic.


There is something she can take called the morning after pill, but it has to be taken I think within 48-72 hours after so time is an issue.


It would prevent a pregnancy from happening as its a high dose of birth control and thats how it works. It may make her feel sick Ive heard if her body isnt already used to hormonal birth control.


Also while there, she should get a prescription for birth control pills, or depo shot or the patch.. If she takes medication to prevent pregnancy and you also use condoms then you wouldnt have to worry about it anymore.


Good Luck with it!

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I have taken the morning after pill, and it will make you a little queezy (since it's a huge dose of hormone at once), but very mild side effects, it's the plan B pill.


They say you can take it up to 5days later, but every day that goes by, the effectiveness decreases, so southergirl is right on the dot with her 42-72 hours.


If you have a credit card, you can order a prescription be filled at link removed or you can go to planned parenthood, which provides free medical care/the pill if you meet their eligibility requirements (low income)


Like southerngirl said, tell her to ask for birth control while she is at planned parenthood, they will give it to her for fee if she is eligible for the Family Pact program.


Here are the list of centers in Ohio:

link removed


No one is going to fill the prescription for you since you are male and it could be hazardous for you to take the pill, so she must go in. Check the link above.

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Planned parenthood is fully confidential (they will not tell your parents) and if she's 15, they will take her, no problem, call and ask when they have walk-ins in your area, and she will need to go in.


Sometimes it can take hours to get seen, but alas, if you can sleep together, you have to accept the consequences of the wait.

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You're parents dont need to know.


i'm presuming it works the same out there about confidentiality?


request she gets the morning after pill. I've taken it 3 times in my life (not proud...and each time ovulating which means more risk) and i am not pregnant nor have babies...!! Its the best option.


praying isn't gonna work on this one...you need medical intervention.


well done for using a condom....big bum that it ripped. But, i think she needs to get some kind of regular contraception going too.


Don't worry andmake yourself ill....this can be sorted...also you do need to speak to her about all the options....it has to be her choice to take it.

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rose2summer - not old school honey...but i think as ya get older, we start realising the affects of sex so young can have.....


gazzago - Dont' be sorry - i wasn't having a go earlier.


If she takes the MAP it will hopefully be A OK.


try not to stress....it will be fine

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I've taken the morning after pill several times and it's really easy. I went to Costco for mine...the wait isn't as long as Planned Parenthood. You don't need a Costco card (usually you do), just tell them you're going to the pharmacy. I'm not sure about the prices though, just letting you know in case the first option doesn't work out. You fill out a paper and wham, you're done. Here's a link for locations in Ohio. link removed


It's really simple. I've taken it about 4-5 days after I had my "mishaps" and I was fine. It didn't make me sick at all. You just need to get it taken care of ASAP.

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The morning after pill is not 100% effective, sorry to put a dampener on things.


One of my best friends had to take it 3 years ago and took it within 24 hours of having unprotected sex, she had to take 2 pills, one every 12 hours, set her alarm got up in the night to take the second pill, took them both properly.


I convinced her she would be fine, she wasnt. She ended up pregnant and having to have an abortion


If you and your girlfriend really dont want a baby, good on you for using condoms, but maybe she should take the pill or get a coil fitted too?

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The morning after pill is not 100% effective, sorry to put a dampener on things.


One of my best friends had to take it 3 years ago and took it within 24 hours of having unprotected sex, she had to take 2 pills, one every 12 hours, set her alarm got up in the night to take the second pill, took them both properly.


I convinced her she would be fine, she wasnt. She ended up pregnant and having to have an abortion


If you and your girlfriend really dont want a baby, good on you for using condoms, but maybe she should take the pill or get a coil fitted too?


She does have a point. FYI, nothing is 100% effective except abstinence.

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thank you all. i will try my best. we talked and she had told on of her good friends and she said that she should be fine for some reason. even if she is fine i still wanna go threw with this. i talked about it to her and she agreed. but thanks to you all for the comfort. i really appreciate it

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Look at it like this.

I went out with a girl I should've never been involved with. Very emotionally unstable and living off of welfare and child support. I was desperate to lose my virginity at 23 so I got involved with her. I had sex with her twice, both times wore a condom and pulled out before ejaculating. No rips in the condoms (I inspected it both times). In March she told me she was pregnant with my kid. She's pro life. For the last 8 months I've been in denial that it's really mine, knowing that she has a history of promiscuity. A DNA test was in the works. But Ive recently accepted that it is most likely mine--shes perfectly willing to have the test done.

She refuses to adopt (big ego and too much pride) and is about to go after me for child support after he's born. I'm having a paternity test done though I think I know what the results will be. I will be in a world of hurt for the next 18 years and my entire life is about to change starting in the next few weeks. For 18 years I also have to accept that a borderline psycho living off the government is permanently part of my life, the last girl on the planet Id want to have a kid with. On top of this, I still have to find the courage to tell my family. I have to tell my mom that she's a grandma of a child whose mother is like this, the type of girl my mom would never, ever, ever want me getting involved with...a girl who just the thought of being around her makes me cringe. I know how my mom is and I will have to be there for this child whether I like it or not. I have to see this horrible girl on a regular basis whether I like it or not. So look on the bright side. Your life isn't ruined like mine is. You still have a chance to not go down this path. You can still get the morning after pill. I made the mistake of assuming I was okay because I pulled out and the condoms didnt tear. You have it good, my friend, I'd give anything to be in your spot right now.

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Oh wow.


You sound terrified, Johnathan!!


Here's a little story though. I dated a guy who has a 7 year old daughter. He went through the SAME thing as you. He hooked up with a woman and she pretty much played him for a fool and got pregnant on purpose. She turned out to be a PSYCHO.


She has made his life harder than it needs to be and there are many times that he has wished he made some sort of different choice when things seem tough, but when it comes down to it, he wouldn't change a thing because his daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to him.


So I don't mean to be one of those annoyingly optomistic people because it does sound horrible at the moment, but sometimes surprises and trials like this are really blessings in disguise. Your life will be changed forever, but you may get a whole lot more out of it than you think.


I wish you the best of luck, and your life isn't over. I would like to hear how you're coping with this, so let us know, okay? My thoughts are with you...

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