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why keep trying?

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I really dont want to live anymore.. Occasionally something good will happen in my life.. for example I might meet someone who could become a friend.. but it never lasts, they never actually become my friend. I always screw it up. I have no friends, I dont get along with my family, my job sucks and because I left school early there isnt anything good I can do... I'm working in a bar at the moment! I cant do that for the rest of my life! How pathetic.


But anyways why is suicide so bad? Is it that much of a big deal if I do it? I just cant keep trying to get a better life and failing over and over again. It always comes back to how easy it would be just to end it. Dont you think? What is the point of trying over and over again anyway? Why is it such a big deal if im here or not? I know you will all say No there is lots to live for, hang in there blah blah blah. But why bother?


I try so hard to be a fun person to be around.. like i'll be hanging out with someone and I will feel like i'm being really fun & relaxed & stuff but then the person will say something like oh your so tense or your really shy arent you or something like that! Its happened like 4 separate times in the last few months.


A few people have said that i'm really pretty (i dont think i am) and guys especially always come up and talk to me but once they have hung out with me and see my personality they stop talking to me!


I'm taking medication and it helps me be happier at work and stuff but as soon as I get home to my lonely 1 bedroom unit I feel exactly the same as always.

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Well, it comes down to a choice you have to make. You either exit stage left, and I have nothing against people who do, or you make a firm committment to improve your position/attitude in life.


That's the only way out of a rut.


What you need to do to get yourself out of a depression hole varies from person to person. You personally, I think you need, literally, a change of scenary. Not necessarily moving to a different area or whatever, I just think you need to do something different.


Make socialising your lowest priority. As with finding a boy/girlfriend, it tends to be most successful when you arn't looking for it. Instead, try asking yourself what YOU like to do.


Who do you think you are? (Not in a confrontational sense. But...what kind of foods do you like? Have you ever wanted to learn to do something in particular?)


Start small - just things like what you eat for dinner. Read different things. Stimulate your mind a bit - go see some art. Watch some shocking documentaries. And..the old classic, but its an EXCELLENT one - do some voluntary work.


Keep up the meds and the professional help, making sure you've talked to someone about how low and depressed you feel.


Ultimately, we can never recover from depression unless we want to. It's a kind of cold harsh statement, but it may help you to know that you can have 101 people on standby to talk to, but nothing's gonna change until you want to shake your life up a bit.


Any chance you could talk to a careers advisor? With no disrespect to bar staff, I agree that you can't realistically do that for life without going nuts. Is there anything you ever wanted to do career-wise but were too afraid to do/never had the chance to have a go at?


It's a lie to say You Can Do ANYTHING You Want - but we do have more control over our lives than we think, if we choose to change.


How do you stand on religion? That can help a lot of people.


And...I am on your side. I agree there's no point to life. I've accepted that, and I'm now choosing to make my task - "To be able to live as though there is".

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I can feel your pain.....(literally). You sound like me. I get that way every now and then but look on the bright side. I believe we're all here for a geniuine purpose seriously. If a train, car, fire, explosion, or murderer haven't killed you , you're being saved for a reason. You just have to have faith. Maybe your life awaits you someplace else. Try going on trip or start off small and take up a hobby. Just don't go killing yourself yet. Think of the endless possiblities, dream of a better life and take baby steps to making it happen. Sure you maybe stuck in routine where life is going nowhere, it's up to you to try something new. Even the smallest thing can make a difference. If after this you still feel like dying make sure your funeral is beautiful and your death not has bloody (jk).


Take Care.........

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Why Keep Trying?


Because your life is worth it! Because you deserve to have a long, happy life! Because there are people that die everyday because they don't have a choice. Embrace the opportunity and life that you have rather than throwing it all away!


I understand depression. I understand having a gloomy outlook. But you can find a way to like yourself and enjoy life.


I noticed your other posts. You have difficulty making friends... You know, I could so see myself being in that same boat had I not made changes years ago. I used to live in a small town and really didn't associate with many people besides family. I went to a career fair on spur of moment. I got a new job (out of town,) and made friends with two girls that are still my closest friends today.


What do you do outside of work? Please tell me you don't whole yourself up in that apartment.


What are your interests?

What do you enjoy?

You mentioned you left school early. High School? If so, did you get your GED? If not, sign up to get it asap.


What I see here is that you feel you are stuck. You aren't able to be optimistic about anything. You have to increase your confidence by doing things that make you feel better about yourself (Ex: GED, new job, possibly college = more people, new people)


Please tell more about yourself. What do you want out of life? Let's all come up with a plan to get you feeling better.


We are here for you! Scribble suicide off your list of options! There's so much available to you in life. Take the challenge and find happiness!

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Before you consider doing this seriously, why don't you think about how it will mkae those who care about you feel. Take a look at: link removed; or link removed; or any number of others. Suicide is the most devastating thing that you can do to hurt those who care about you. And even if you don't always get along with your family, that does not mean they don't care. They may not get along because they want better for you than you seem to want for you right now.


You do seem to want more. You seem to want a better life and a better job. Don't end your life, change it.

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I know how you feel, i have been like that. yes suicide seems alot easier than life, but your 21 you have lived this long, now dont watse your life on death. Life is never easier, life will always have its up and downs no one can stop that. But hold on, you will feel better soon. Give it time you will smile soon

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"I try so hard"


Life is such an odd thing,


to come to us but we never asked for it


we have it but no one can tell us what to do with it.


We can give life to others yer know not what ours if for.


For thows at the end of life they would give some much for one more moment


for thows at the start it seems to go on for ever.


What I thing is life, such joy and hope such pain and loss.


When I am lost to my dark days the wonder of the paradox that is life, lets me see where and when "I" am.


For me life is a choice, the world around us is as it is it how we choice to see at world


As a place of joy and wonder


As a bleack and hopless place.


As a Daoist I worry not which is which, for me its the looking to see that counts and not being, so I walk the path of life not to find but to see what is next with eyes I chose.

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