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no balance between schoolwork and talking to her

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It's a question of moral and vertue.

Do a balance of what's good/bad about one and the other.


My personnal point of view:

You can drop school if you're not interested or if you have bad grades but school can only drop you if you get really bad grades.


You can drop your grilfriend if you're not interested or if you have bad grades and yourgirl friend can drop you for whatever the reason she got.


As said: it's a question of personnality and priorities but I'd really have to disagree with studying with your girlfriend since I'm pretty certain it'll end up chatting all the time instead of studying. Of course, only you knows the true answer to that.

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Being diligent in your studies and keeping communication open are not mutually exclusive. It is important that you focus on what is important to you.. not just *now* but for the future. While it is nice and fun to talk with your girlfriend, your studies are laying the foundation for your future. You shouldn't let something else interfere with that and you significant other should be supportive and understanding also.


So... yes. Balance. But balance does not necessarily mean equal time and equal focus to both things at all times, it sometimes means spending more time with one thing than another at different points. You study hard while you are at school and, on vacation, you spend good, quality time with your girlfriend... that, too, is balance.

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It's all about balance and efficiency. If you focus fully on your studying while doing it and don't waste time, it will take you less time and you have more time for other things. You also have to shift your priorities as required.


You should NOT sacrifice your marks to talk, but nor should your schooling be taking so much time as to sacrifice your relationship; and I hope that she is understanding with your educational goals, and you are as well with her needs.


I am usually up at 5 for training, then to classes until 4 as I went back to school, then to work for another 5-6 hours, then home to read...and may only see my boyfriend some days for 5 or 10 minutes before falling asleep! He is very supportive though of my return to school, and it works as we make most of time we do have on days I don't have to work, or when I get a rare weekend day off, and communicate regularly. At the same time I need to do well, I cannot ignore my relationship and refuse to let my family become an afterthought either!

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Just tell her what you told us!


"i love talking to her more than anything


but i am getting really behind in school


i dont want to quit talking to her

but i also need to be more diligent"


Tell her it has NOTHING to do with her but you just really need to cut back on the phone conversations until you can catch up. Make a little joke out of her distracting you and giggle. She will be more flattered than upset!

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what is your greater priority? your girl? or doing well with schoolwork?


when there's a will, there's a way. if you literally have to tell her: "i can't see you friday night, i have to catch up with work," or "i can't talk now, i have schoolwork to do," then so be it.


why is this such an issue?

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