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Why wud he lie to me?


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If you've read my prev posts about my shy guy and all the things he does, welll..heres another one. The other day, we were trying to have a conversation, and since its usually about work, i decided to take a step ahead and ask him something personal...but general.(just to be safe).


A month back, a common friend/colleague who worked in his department had quit his job, and left for another state.he was best friends with my shy guy when he was working with us. I was in touch with him through email, since we were also good friends.


So in the middle of work talk, I asked shy guy "hey u in touch with XYZ?". This was the first time i had said anything outside our general 'work talk'.

He said No, and changed the subject back immediately to work related stuff. Later, i learn (by other means) that he IS in touch with XYZ too.



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That is kind of weird, but I wouldn't jump to any conclusions.


Where did you learn they were still in contact? Maybe he's bitter at the guy, they were best friends. Maybe he was hurt about him moving away.


Or maybe he misunderstood the question? Doesn't seem likely, but still a possibility.

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