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Well 3 months down the line and ive finally accepted me and the ex are not getting back together. She told me shes over me yesterday as some of you already know. Hopfully we can stay friends but who knows, I can say im not over her but im getting there. She is still in my thoughts a lot but im trying not to think about all the good memories I have, I will keep them for another day. This is the hardest thing I have had to do but im a stronger person for coming through it.


Thanks for all yours help, I will continue to post on here, helping people when I can, and one day hopefully post about my new relationship as I know shes out there somewhere….


Lets go find her..



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Why stay friends? were you two friends before you dated? if not i'd recomend cutting off all contact... don't be rude or anything just don't act like you two are friends.. me and the ex did that ( we weren't friends before we dated) and it turned out pretty horrible... i now hate her more than absolutely ANYTHING in the world.. and this is a girl i loved more than anything in the world at one point... just leave it as is..

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That's great to hear, Street...reading through your old posts up to this one really shows a sort of 'diary' on the steps of recovering from a break up. Maybe people who are hurting can go through them and recognize what point they are at emotionally on the post-relationship roller coaster, and find that there will come a time where the pain will stop, and the moving on can begin. (Myself included)....Take care buddy...

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Good for you! It's nice to hear that you are moving on as your topic heading states.


If you feel you want to stay friends then do so, but remember that there may come a time when either of you meet someone else and that this might hurt the other person, so just be aware of that.


But otherwise, you have shown to a lot of people that break ups although are hard, can make you into a more wise and mature person ready to accept another love who may come by.

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