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My hands always sweat :S


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hi, i kind of wanted to talk about an embarrassing problem ive had since i was young: my hands tend to sweat pretty often for no reason at all. they sweat more when i am nervous - which gives me a hard time when i am writing an exam or something - but i find that they just sweat a lot in general. i know that this is called "palmar hyper-hydrosis" and all that stuff. i also know that there are special anti-perspirants for this problem? as well as other alternatives.. i know that i probably have it mild to moderate. There are times when my hands are just normal and dry, but the minute i become conscious of that - they start to sweat again. its really tough for me this semester because the classrooms are too hot I was wondering if anyone has tried any products for this? Can anyone here relate? I think its time for me to finally try to use something for this problem. thanku.

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Hey, sorry I dont have the same problem but my ex bf did... he played guitar and was in a band....it was really annoying that his hands would sweat so much when he was playing on stage.... someone once told him to buy the bottles of rubbing alcohol.. I know you can get them here in Canada at Walmart for around 0.99, just pour a bit on your hands and rub until dry... it helped him alot... I realize this may be inconvenient for you to do.. but its worth a shot...

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Sorry I usually don't post without knowing much about what I'm talking about, but I have heard of surgeries for this type of problem.. I think the surgery pinches off a nerve that induces heavy sweating on the hands. That might be something to look into, if you have the opportunity to do so...

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hi, well, for the whole surgery thing, i have read about it, but i dont know..i worry that its too risky..but since my sweat isnt too extreme i think i could be ok with simply applying a special cream, or something...i know about the possible options since ive looked it up a bunch of times, i guess im just wondering if anyone has actually tried anything and had good results with it? but thanku both for your suggestions !

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I've had a mild hyper-hydrosis all my life and a few years ago a doctor prescribed Drysol and Xerac AC , both of them are the same chemical substance but different solutions, they both work quite well. The first one you can use for your arm pitts and palms, the second one - strong one can be used for feet. Ask you family doctor or a pharmacist.


Good Luck and don't worry to much - many people sweat profusely - it's our way of coooling ourselves and get rid of the toxins

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do you use caffeine? in a mildly stressful situation where i have to be on my toes (like work), it induces hyper-hidrosis in me within moments of ingestion--both under the arms and on the hands. however, if i'm just kicking back, it doesn't happen even after a couple of grande cappucinos.

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I have the same problem! I never knew it was classified as "palmar hyper-hydrosis". I get so frustrated with this. For example, in University I'm usually taking class notes on my laptop. As soon as I raise my palms off the laptop hand rest, I see large amounts of water. Then I quickly whipe it off with my sleeve, hoping no one saw this ... Or the time I first held my boyfriend's hand. It was so embarrassing! I actually apologized, "So ugh, my palms sweat a lot. I'm sorry." Of course he didn't say, "Ew, get away!", but I still felt bad. I'm always conscious about it...like when I have to shake hands with someone...who knows what they think the wetness came from, right? I've never really saught to treat this sweat from my palms. Maybe try fanning your hands wildly in the air ...wipe your hands on your pants...wear gloves These are my solutions, but I never use anything medicated.

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hi ! thanks for your replies so far its nice to know that there are people who can relate lol. asul100: thanku for the tips about those products i will think about it- and to answer slightlybent's question: i actually avoid caffeinated things as much as i can - since i know that i can get addicted to things pretty quickly lol. but thanku for the info ! and also, to Angeleyez: haha, what you wrote made me smile, since it sounds like you're describing exactly what i do ! when i am in class, i sometimes cant help but wipe my hands on my pants. and once, when i was taking notes, i lifted up my hand, and i saw that i had wet the paper i always worry that people can see it . anywho, if anyone else has had experience with this and/or solutions, please share !!

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Yeah i am the same, but i dont worry about it, i just forget about it, and carry on what i am doing. It is really coman, alot of people have this problem. And so far no one i have been with complain about my sweaty hands, the person i am with now loves my hands and how they are always wet and all

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  • 1 year later...

i hate having sweaty hands! i avoid shaking peoples hands, when i touch stuff i leave sweat drops on it, and when i write , paper curls from the moisture from my hands...it's horrible!


one time last spring, i was at church -when my youth group prays they always get in a circle and i always (embarrassingly) sit out and pray alone in the corner. its sad and pathetic and it's all because of my hands. one time they forced me to hold hands against my will no matter how much i pleaded. and of course i had to hold the cutest guys hand there. we were outside and by the end of the prayer there was literally a puddle of sweat on the pavement between us. it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life...i have a problem!



my friends all know about my problem...i tell everyone else though, that i simply have a phobia of hands, i guess it works alright.


i graduate this may and i don't know what i am going to do...i am going to have to shake hands a bunch in front of a ton of people. all my classmates are looking forward to that day but i am dreading it. i am afraid of the dr. so i never go. i dont know what to do! i have BAD palmer hydrosis!

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  • 9 months later...

I have the same thing and it pisses me off. The only time it goes away is when I'm drinking or if I smoke pot. Too bad both of this solutions have substantial trade offs. They don't sweat all the time, just when I think about it. I have already associated sitting in class with my hands sweating so every time I'm there I think about it and thereforee they sweat. This problem worries me because I'm graduating business school soon and will most likely shaking hands with people all of the time. Glad to see that I'm not the only one, annoying problem.

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I've heard that botox injections can help with excessive sweating. Not sure it's something I'd recommend but it might be something to check out.


I have a mild case of this and I usually keep a little bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket. The alcohol in it helps dry up the moisture. I always have tissues in my pockets too.


Hope you find something that works!

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I have the same problem. I look at the bright side. My hands never dry out and crack and are extremely soft. Depending on the girl, most girls do, they love how soft my hands feel. That's one thing I've noticed from my palms always sweating.


But at the same time it sucks when I build awesome manly caluses from working hard, then they disappear by next summer when I could use them again.

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  • 1 year later...

This is completely me! I have been struggling with this problem for so long. I have such a bad case of this. Thegreatpumpkin, i have graduation in a week and i am dreading that day as well. It's supposed to be a happy day but i am so scared of shaking people's hands. I have even avoided dating sometimes because i hate holding guys hands because i get so embarrassed! There are times when i don't have sweaty palms at all but then when i THINK about them not being sweaty, they start to sweat! I hate going to the doctor so i have avoided talking about this situation, but i think it's time that i bring it up, it's ruining my social life. I would much rather a cream or a pill that a surgery, so i am hoping pills or cream will help this situation! I am so glad i'm not alone in this!

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Okay. I have had this problem my entire life and I'm 20. I have it with my hands and feet. I've done a crap load of research and my physician referred me to a dermatologist who specializes in hyperhydrosis.


I considered botox injections but my entire hand sweats not just the palms. They don't like to do botox to the fingers because your fingers are very delicate. I didn't want to try iontophoresis because it was practically just as expensive as botox and you would need the treatment more often. Botox supposedly can last months to a year and a half, at least that is what the dermatologist told me.


They let me try a oral medication. I have it right here. It is called glycopyprolate and is at a 2mg per tablet dosage. It has side effects such as dry mouth, nose, etc. But my sweating has been reduced by 90% at least. You just have to take these pills in advance. You take one to three pills at one per time during the day. I might get my dosage increased because I have to take 2 tablets at once to really have the effect of like no sweat. This practically stops sweating all over though. Since I built up anxiety about my sweaty hands/feet for the past 20 years (or however long I can remember having this) I have full body sweat from anxiety. Eventually it will die down and is already beginning to fade.


Anyways, the oral medications usually aren't recommended but if you have sweaty hands and it includes the fingers I suggest trying oral medications. I was allergic to drysol too, so that is why I had to see a derm and experiment.

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  • 4 months later...

hey, ive have this problem too its really embarrassing i know.. my hands are sweating right now. they sweat like 80% of the day. i wish i could stop it. i would do ANYTHING to get rid of this, hahah even when i was a kid i would write; and my hand would slide down the pencil. i hate it so much. its getting to the point where i cant even imagine having soft and dry hands.. you know it even happens under my armpits and on my feet. good luck cause im gonna get surgery or something soon. its SOOO good to know that im not the only one.

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omg thats just like me.. i play piano and my teacher always asks why the piano is all wet. its so uncomfortable for me, plus its worse cause she stares at my hands cause shes my teacher and i always think shes watching them sweat which makes them sweat more (?) grrr.. so; whats this alcohol thing?

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  • 6 months later...

@ Laura, my hands are sweaty too! haha. And I'm cold I completely understand what you guys are going through and am glad I'm not the only one. I've noticed that my hands sweat the most when I think too much about them and when the weather is dry/hot which sucks since I live in sunny ol California. I think my case is also mild to moderate so I would like to know if there are medications that are effective but also not too expensive since I don't have insurance. thanks to my fellow sweaty compadres~!

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  • 2 months later...

My hands sweat profusely! Like since I was little. The problem is it is really bothersome when I have to shake hands (I want to get into politics, so I am scared of having to shake hands with people...I also don't want to seem like I am nervous. Which most of the time I am not...my hands just sweat randomly without anxiety sometimes). For instance right now they are sweating. Most of the time when I am on the laptop my hands sweat and then they leave that nasty residue which I have to clean up later It really sucks. Also my feet have started sweating when I turned 16 and now my armpits are sweating more profusely. It is just becoming a huge problem for me and I would love to resolve it. I also have a boyfriend, but he does not mind my sweaty palms. I haven't told him about my sweaty feet yet though...Anyway, I haven't pursued any serious treatment because my doctor does not thing it is a big deal and just says that its probably a nervous issue. But it's not, it happens randomly. Another thing I noticed is that when I went on vacation to Ontario, Canada...my hands did not sweat at all....they were super dry. I am beginning to think that when I am in humid places my hands tend to sweat alot more but when I am in places that are dryer..but not kind of cold or not hot...my hands do not sweat AT ALL. It is so weird, I do not get it. I just wanted to know if you guys were affected by weather such as I am.

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  • 5 months later...


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