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I know this belongs in infedility... but...

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Ok... Well, this is my first post here on ENotAlone, in fact it's my first day signed up, but i need some advice... My, now-ex-gf and I were together for about a year and some and throught the whole beginning of it, i was cheating. I cheated for about 5 or so months of it. In fact, when we got together, i was the bf of several different women.


I'm not gonna try to justify it or anything... but i certainly am going to say that i was going through some ***. I was very much a sex addict... among other things... point being, i lied and cheated for a good while, but she found out... before i could stop. and i was trying to stop. however! point being, i didn't, and as you can imagine, it absolutely devistated both her and the relationship.


It took a lot of work, but i got myself out of the mindset i was in very near completely, and haven't cheated on her for about 7 months. In fact, i don't cheat now, even though we're not together... because i love her and don't want to be dishonest. Additionally, i've no interest in anyone else.


Either way... any advice as to how to fix things between us? even if we don't end up together, which my sincerest hope is that we do (As it's much more possible then i'm making it sound), i still want to fix things. And i know a lot of you are going to say just to move on and that'll be easier for both of us, but it's not an option. I know you'll probably ask why, and you'll kinda have to trust me on this...


Anyways... any takers? I'm well aware of what a despicable kind of thing i've done. and well aware i've got a lot of ground to cover... And while i don't think the people here are the type to remind me, it's usually what i'm reminded of when i ask for advice... Hence my journey to a place called eNotAlone.


Thanks to all who reply and Godbless.

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I dont think your a bad person. You have an addiction. You need to explain this to her. If you are serious get some professional help and ask her to go with you. Try to make her understand that what you have is real and not an excuse to get into other girls pants. This is the best approach .

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Sorry to say, i don't think you have much hope.

trust has been obliterated.

You have to rebuild the trust. Just cos you havent had any relationship with anyone else would mean a thing to her. (a great feat for you but nothing to her in the sense of trust).

What have you got to show to her that you have changed in your ways other then words? have you seen a couseller? have you been to any treatment for you addition?

I suppose, in the end even though you have had anyone else NOW doesnt show her that you wouldnt do it to someone else later.

That is the trust issue that you are facing. Solve that and you may have a chance.

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