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love at first sight

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when i saw this girl for the i fell in love with her. she was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. i knew then i must grow old with her. but i have 0 experience with girls and i am very scared of rejection.

i found out some stuff about her the more i found out the more i liked her she was everything i wanted in a girl it was like she was perfect for me. i got to know a few of her friends after a little while she knew i liked her i couldent talk to her i was too shy and she was always with her friend so i couldent get to her alone. i wrote a letter to her and then i talked to her but she said she doesnt feel the same way my heart was broken.


over the summer holidays i have changed a lot physicly and mentaky for the better. i want to know when i go back to skool what i should do.

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Hi There !


She has told you what she is feeling - and you will have to accept that situation as it is. Unless you see some signs form her that her outlook has changed, then is is likely that she has not changed her mind.


In that case, you are going to have to move on and find the next potential my friend. Don't worry though - consided any girl that you approach in this way a learning experience. Learn things like how maybe you would have wrote the letter a bit differently, or how you would have maybe said something differently. You'll find yourself full of confidence soon and you will be able to have a girl soon ! Also, make sure that you spend as much time as possible talking to girls - especially ones that you are not interested or attracted to. Those girls will be a far smaller threat to you since you are not attracted to them - but at the same time getting you used to being around females. It's really quite simple when you think about it !


Hope this helps some.



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MAN , its my damn story.


That happened exactly with me, and yeah I'm going to see her soon at school too. To tell you the truth , I'm loosing interest about her each and every week that passes. As soon as you will forget her, another female character will enter your life [somehow , I can say how]. Trust me ! And you would go after her.


Just let it go. [My heart was so broken that I just was cring at nights before going to sleep.]


Let it go .......[sorry......]

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Yahko's right. Sometime's the best way to hande a rejection is just to move on with your life. She told you her feelings towards you, and it may have been devastating for you to find out how she felt, but she is just one out of a million (plus) more out there in the world. If you've changed physically, and mentally over a period of time, and to your opinion for the better, then show off your stuff, and see how she takes it. If she starts showing signs that she's interested in how you are now, than you were then, it's your decision whether you'd want to give her that second chance. Some signs you might see from her is if she lingers around where you are a lot, if she makes eye-to-eye contact with you constantly, if you see her stare/look at you whenever she's around, and/or she raises her tone of voice whenever you're nearby. In my opinion, a girl who didnt feel the same way about you back then, shouldnt receive a second chance with you now. If she were the perfect one for you, she would've felt the same way, and accepted you for who you were then more than now.

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