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Anyone, but Guys especially, what do you mean when

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I have started dating again recently. Nothing of a serious nature, but have had a few dates where I met a few guys for dinner after having talked with them on line ,through emails, phone calls, and etc for a while.


A few of them have been people that I met through an online date site a while back, where you post your profile and wait for potential matches.


I notice that many people and mostly guys will put in their profile that they seek an "open minded and adventurous" female to date and become involved with.


At times I have scanned through some of the profiles of women and rarely do you see a woman saying that they desire "open minded and adventurous males".


My question is this. What do most of you guys define as being "open minded and adventurous" in a woman ??


I have found that most of them say that this is what they want in a woman, but few of them can actually tell me what that means to them.


The ones that HAVE offered an explanation usually come out with a comment such as ...." You know , in bed, sexually open minded and adventurous" ..... or some other comment along the same lines.



No explanations of being open minded and adventurous in other areas of life and relationships have never come up with these guys that want open minded and adventurous. It seems the majority refer to the open mindedness and adventure only in the sexual context. I am not trying to make any generalizations about guys. I am only stating what I have experienced so far.


So what do you all ( men and women) think? Give me some thoughts . I have just been trying to figure out what guys mean when they say this, since few of them offer to elaborate on what they mean and when they do it seems to be sexual in nature.

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No explanations of being open minded and adventurous in other areas of life and relationships have never come up with these guys that want open minded and adventurous. It seems the majority refer to the open mindedness and adventure only in the sexual context. I am not trying to make any generalizations about guys.


hmm, to me "open-minded" is pretty much a given so i don't even state that. and to me, it means being aware of the world we live in, tolerance for people who are different, and willing to accept change (of scenery, environment, fortune, etc). i think you'll find likewise answers from people on this forum as they seem pretty mature. dating websites on the other hand...


I wish I knew, but I suspect some guys imagine themselves having those qualities, and are just projecting that image onto a prospective date.


lol. sometimes when you look at these ads where people say "looking for excitement" and i wonder... recently, i've work 10 hrs/day, i live a fairly calm life (probably too calm), i'm pretty responsible, but my life doesn't involve climbing Mt Everest every week so is it exciting enough? and my fondest memories of my relationship was just being together. just holding hands in the park, hugging her, being silly and making her laugh... and you wonder if you're enough...

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When I did on line dating I was never open minded to a man expressing his sexual preferences early on in the process especially before we even met - that was an automatic dealbreaker to me and - to me anyway - disrespectful and a clear indication that sex was a priority over getting to know me in all the other ways.

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to me, it means being aware of the world we live in, tolerance for people who are different, and willing to accept change (of scenery, environment, fortune, etc).




Usually when a guy asks me if I am open minded and adventurous , my replies are along the same thoughts as the above ^ by now-better.


This is how I am . But they always seemed confused by that type answer. Then when I ask them what they deem as open minded and adventurous. 9 times out of 10 they are referring to sexually and not in general.





"an open minded and adventurous woman" is guyspeak for a woman who is open minded about him having multiple partners and adventurous in the sack.


^ This is kind of the thoughts I have come to the conclusion to so far.





disrespectful and a clear indication that sex was a priority over getting to know me in all the other ways.


^ My thoughts as well.

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