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she has a bf, but she flirts with me

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ok, this is my third post about this girl a like...i've mentioned that she flirts with me,..especially in math class,...but i was wondering, does it mean anything even though she has a boyfriend? i havent noticed her flirting with any other guy the same way she does me.,..could that mean things arent going to well between him and her? I mean i rarely see her with him at school. oh and i'd like to thank those who gave me advice on my last post about how to talk to her in person..i took some of that advice and we actually talked a little the other day and today!! i feel a whole hell of alot better now and i dont feel as nervous as i did around her...but n-e ways. back to my question,...but does her flirting with me even though she has a boyfriend mean anything?..thanks again those who respond.

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Man, it's so hard to decipher women that it really depends on the girl. BE CLEAR, just because she's friendly with you doesn't mean she wants to have something with you. Some girls are just extra friendly, and it's very easy sometimes for us guy to take it the wrong way.


It's a possiblitly that she does like you, and maybe she flirts with you because she doesn't have respect for her boyfriend. But if you "got" with her, what makes you think that she'll have respect for you? Some women are scandolous, no matter how you perceive them to be. Not ALL but some.


In my opinion, I'd keep being nice to her but don't pursue anything with her until you know for sure that her relationship with her b/f is through.

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