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I had a three year affair with a married man. I left my husband as soon as it started and then became pregnant by the married man. We never broke up but he never left his wife. Then I ended it and he did leave his wife. He left her 3 times and went back out of guilty, so he says. He got caught in the affair 4 times by his wife and she never would leave him. Now we have not spoke for 5 weeks and I love this man and inside I know he loves me too. I am so angry with him for so many things, but miss him like crazy at the same time. How can I begin to feel better and does anyone have any advise for me?

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Here's what I think. If you are meant to be together, you will be. But ask yourself this: Do you want him the way things are now? Because if the answer is no, then you need to remove yourself from him. If you are meant to be together, then you want your relationship to have every chance of making it. You want it to be the best it can be. And for it to be that, maybe you need to give it some time and let him make decisions based on what he truly wants. When you are together with someone like this, they never really have to make decisions. But, if you make yourself completely unavailable, then he will have to make a decision. Of course, I realize that this sucks because she (wife) will not be giving him space to make his decision..... (Believe me, I am currently trying to take my own advice). Be strong sweet heart. Try to remember that you are valuable. Remember that you did what you felt was right by leaving your husband. The situation you are in sucks and I totally feel for you. But in order for you to either be together or move on, my suggestion is to remove yourself, become completely unavailable and see where your heart leads you.

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