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What do you all make of this?

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A few days ago I received a text from my ex saying "pic didnt come thru"


I checked, theres no way I sent him anything...theres also been no phone or text contact between us in a month so no way I was still in his inbox.


I havent heard anything from him since...


A friend of mine thought it was a dummy text meant to get my attention and elicit a response from me.


any thoughts?

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Well my original thought in getting it was he accidentally sent it to me...but then my friend (a guy) started talking to me and said "its a reply to someone and theres no way youre in his inbox...he did it to get you to respond."


So now Im wondering why he'd do that? I didnt respond btw.


Im trying not to read into it.

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There's a 50/50 chance he did this intentionally. If he did, it was a very passive and rather cowardly way to elicit some kind of response from you, which shows something about him right there. And if you don't respond, he may very well try something more direct. Or, maybe he won't.


I don't think you should respond back. If he honestly sent it to you by mistake, you're going to feel like a fool. If he sent it on purpose, it's going to show him you'll eagerly respond to even the most lazy, passive efforts on his part.

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