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How do you break out of the FRIEND ZONE?


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I've been friends with a girl for a while now, she been there for me a couple of times with my breakups.


Im starting to get attracted to her and Im interested in being with her...


We usually tease each other and we end up laughing together quite a lot but we are just friends at the moment. I dont want to tell her I like her just yet because I just recently got out of a relationship and she was there for me.


I just want to know how to be more than a friend to hopefully attract her.


What can I do differently?




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Hmm its hard.....But also it can be the best relationship ever. Just start being a bit more flirty. Touch her arm when you are being affectionate. Maybe even just say you have some spare tickets would she want to go? Maybe she feels the same way? Don't say straight out that you like her though - just step up the flirting and affection a bit. See does she do the same. If people like each other they tend to reflect each others actions.


I hope this helps

Good luck! I hope she's the ONE!

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I usually do gorup things with her. But I dont want to move too fast, her friend told me that she is unsure whether to hold back or go for it because its too soon after my breakup with my ex and that she is scared that I might turn around and go for my ex.

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Mke sure she understands that somewhere in you there is a thought of her and you naked together, with you having your way with her. Joke with her about her keeping her eyes off of certain parts of your body, etc. You can joke about it, but you are joking about it, in a flirty way, to put it out there.

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The type of eye contact you give her should be the first to alter. Watch her a lot and let her know it- in a smiling way though (not creepy, inside your head way) and start giving her compliments, like, "You have this glow about you today." Hold eye contact when you're talking to her strongly, but don't get or act too intense.


Tickle her jokingly when you can. Smile at her everytime she enters a room. If she reacts different at all as well- as in smiling back or acting more attentive- then just start talking with a more flirty tone. To talk in a flirty tone, be teasing but have a serious voice... and always find a way to be close near by.


After a while, should anything spark or even if nothing happens, just randomly say, "We should go on a date." Take it from there.

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