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treat him as a friend or a jerk?

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I have posted my issue on his previously but the thing is it's still extremely difficult to work with my ex-fiance. I try to be friends with him but he acts like the jerk. I can't obsessing over him because we were together for over 2 years and I knew EVERYTHING about him. And now that we are broken up, I can't help but still want to read his email and know who he's talking to on the phone and what he does at night when I'm no longer there. I can't help but wonder why he does certain things now that he didn't do when we were together.. like he completely cleaned his car to where it looks brand new... and I just wonder if he cleaned it for some new chick or what. And he even changed his sn so that I couldn't talk to him... but I found that out too. I can't get my mind off him when we are at work together but when I go home, everything is fine. What can I do to totally get him off my mind while we're at work? I still have strong feelings for him but want to move on. Please help me out in any way possible. And just for purposes, I am NOT psycho or anything like that. I just know that we were meant to be together and he doesn't realize that.. especially since he's in a band and says that he needs "to find out who he is and where he wants to be in life."

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If u still love him and believe the two of u are meant to be together, then i dont see ne reason to treat him like a jerk. U still care for him and love him so treat him with respect. I think if will help u to move on if u treat him good, because if u treat him bad u will always wonder .."if i treated him better, would he have come back to me?" so just focus on urself and treat him liek a friend, and he cant say u were a bitch to him, and he cant hold ne thing against you, he will onyl have good memories. Good luck

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Hi there,



I did not read your original post but if you're not with him anymore, you have to get over it, there is no other way, even if the fact that you work with him makes it more difficult.


By acting like you do, you just hurt yourself even more, so the real question is : how long do you want to suffer and torture yourself ?


the only solution is to let it go, even if it hurts like hell, stop wondering why he do such and such things. You say that it's fine at home, so maybe you can try to find another job, but be carefull because if you don't see him again at work, it does not mean either that you're going to get rid of yours questions about his behaviour....


A last point, don't run after him either, I know it's a big temptation but there is no proof at all that it will make him come back .


Good luck.

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