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what to make of this?

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ive been on NC with my ex for 5 day now, i litterally disapeard from her, i blocked her and her friends on msn. havent gone onto any websites where she can see if ive bin on etc....


saturday morning at 2am i was woke up by my cell phone, it was a txt msg from the ex asking me "r u still alive?" i didnt respond... she was most likely out with her friends and probably had a bit to drink....


then saturday afternoon around 2:30pm i get another txt from the ex saying " k well u might be dead but i just need to ask u a simple question, if i happen to need u to bail me out of jail tonight can i give u a call?" once again i didnt respond to it. to be honest i thought about it and said to myself, nah i wouldnt! lol i wouldnt even pick up the phone. im on NC after all


anyways my question is this, * * * is wrong with her? b4 i went onto NC with her i asked her if she missed me and she said no, shes trying not to think of me so she wont miss me... so i told myself fine then i dont need this or u and i blocked her without saying bye... so wuts the deal with her now txting me? is she just trying to check up on me? does she possibly miss me? ( i dont believe she does)


i assume shes just trying to get a response outta me but i aint cracking like i would have b4... ive become stronger and confident in myself, even tho a bit of me wants her back... very little mind u....


any tid bits of advice or ur thoughts r welcome thanks in advance!

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ive been on NC with my ex for 5 day now, i litterally disapeard from her, i blocked her and her friends on msn. havent gone onto any websites where she can see if ive bin on etc....


saturday morning at 2am i was woke up by my cell phone, it was a txt msg from the ex asking me "r u still alive?" i didnt respond... she was most likely out with her friends and probably had a bit to drink....



Drunk? Likely, but no. 2AM = Very personal. Nobody contacts anybody at 2AM unless it's an emergency. So.... personal emergency. Hmm. Ignore her. That's her problem. It appears she's becoming confused with your behavior towards her, and that is good.

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um ok? whats netspeak? when i say things like "wut" "n" things like that?



LOL. THAT is hot. net-speak. Ok, but no really. I'm assuming that you're right, she probably is like ''OMG OMG OMG he doesn't talk to me? " It happens sometimes.


How long ago did you guys break up, and how long were you together?

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LOL. THAT is hot. net-speak. Ok, but no really. I'm assuming that you're right, she probably is like ''OMG OMG OMG he doesn't talk to me? " It happens sometimes.


How long ago did you guys break up, and how long were you together?


she broke up with me a month ago, we were together for 6 years... started NC on monday, and we broke up because she said she was becoming bored and the spark wasn't there, but she wanted to stay friends. honestly i didn't think that she would contact me so soon, let alone contact me at all, due to the fact that she said she was NOT missing me

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she broke up with me a month ago, we were together for 6 years... started NC on monday, and we broke up because she said she was becoming bored and the spark wasn't there, but she wanted to stay friends. honestly i didn't think that she would contact me so soon, let alone contact me at all, due to the fact that she said she was NOT missing me



What a confusing one we have here. LOL. 6 years, is a long time. So naturally, the effect of your absense is going to severely debilitate her. It's like, chopping off someone's arm, and initially they're like. . . . well I really didn't need that. Then they are like ''well wait, where is my arm!?''


Sometimes it is hard to let go of a comfort zone, whether or not the other person is interested still. Some people just can't say goodbye, either because they don't want to face grief/loss, or they're unsure about something. In her case, I'm not sure what it could be.


You have to decide whether or not you can maintain contact with her without hurting yourself. If it's too painful, don't. If not, continue.

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lol maintain contact? no way im happy where i am now. like i said i'm waiting for the phone call at night where shes drunk and crying. i will laugh at her. and appearently shes going out again tonight to party hard. thats what i gather from her second txt.


how can you go and break up with someone after 6 years and say lets be friends? i totally understant what your getting at tho with the arm analigy. im happy now if she is missing me and wondering what im upto now. im just a bit bitter lol


the thing is when she broke up with me i cried, begged, pleeded and then we did talk for 3 weeks, then monday came and i cut her off. she started telling me how she was interested in another guy and things like that. i don't need to hear that or know it.

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Do not, Do not, Do not contact her. You will regret it if you do. Trust me. She needs alot of time to miss you and I guarantee she will if you don't contact her. Do not be friends with her as she is just trying to soften the blow and wean herself off you.


what do you mean by wean herself off you? and i have no intentions of making contact with her. she can sit there and wonder what im upto all she likes. she wanted her space from me, and now i want mine! i don't know why she is trying to get my attention so stupidly tho... i aint going to budge until im ready or if she says she wants to try again...

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It means if you are going to be friends with her and talk to her she will have an easier time weaning herself off of you. My ex tried the same thing by asking stupid questions and all she was doing was seeing if I was still around and if she could get me to talk to her, it's kind of like them not really wanting to let go so they pretend all is fine and that your old buds.

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lol asking me if im "still alive" at 2am then at 230pm of the same day, ask me to bail her outta jail if the need arises is being an old bud? first i no she would never end up in jail... that was simply a scare tactic into geting me to talk to her. she was looking for attention from me... but she being an idiot about it. desperation moves cause i suddenly just disapeard from her... thats what i gather about it anyway...

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