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a freshmen in high shool,how to attract girls


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ok so i am going to be a freshmen in high school............. yes that meens a lot of hard work,but also it means................ all kinds of chicks yheay yhea yhea yhea!!!!!!,so i neeed tips on how to be attractive.....different then everyone else, i have read some of your reacent discusions on how to know if a girl likes you....it is very true,can i get some more pleaze..thanks.i got some badazz clothes.(check) i got a nadazz chain (check) i got badazz haircut (check) thinking of painting it,i got a badazz way of talking to girls (check) and i am hansome (check0

so...what else do you people have in mind,


send me one of those links thing down on the bottom pleaze. 8)




"you live for a while,but die forever" by my self

i am a poet

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Yeah, I see it now. Break out the fly paper cause all the girls will be sticking to this Mac.


You're young, and I won't be too hard on you. But a reality check is in order. Girls don't give a crap about nice clothes, pretty hair cuts, or "nadazz chains." In highscool the rules are a bit different but not too off from real life.


1. Girls like guys that are athletic and in shape. Just like we like girls that take care of themselves they like us to look good to. So work out when you can.


2. Talk to as many girls as possible. The more you communicate the better you will get at understanding the opposite sex.


3. Don't be a cocky idiot. You are in the process of learning about yourself but you won't learn anything if you think you know everything.


Take care home boy

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Im a girl so take it from me:

*very few girls care THAT much about what you wear-though it really helps to not wear things that are TOO out of style(aka tight and/or leather pants, ect.)


*dont go too far with the "chains"- alot of girls hate or even fear the whole "gangster" thing


*if you like someone just tell them- its easier that way


*get to know a girl before asking her out 'cause it's kinda weird when a random stranger walks up to you and asks you on a date



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Girls LOVE a confident man! Confidence is always the key. Not arrogant or a jerk, but confident.


Be a gentlemen too. Open doors for all girls, pretty or not. Think of a man you admire. I am guessing P. Diddy by the way you talk. LOL. I am 29, so sorry If I sound like an old fart to you. LOL. But lets say you like P. Diddy. Take a look at how he would act in highschool. I'm sure he'd open doors, I'm sure he was confident and I'm sure he was nice. So think of how your idol would act in the same situation and there ya go!


But in a nutshell, a confident gentlemen gets ALL the girls!!!

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Yeah, I see it now. Break out the fly paper cause all the girls will be sticking to this Mac.


You're young, and I won't be too hard on you. But a reality check is in order. Girls don't give a crap about nice clothes, pretty hair cuts, or "nadazz chains." In highscool the rules are a bit different but not too off from real life.


1. Girls like guys that are athletic and in shape. Just like we like girls that take care of themselves they like us to look good to. So work out when you can.


2. Talk to as many girls as possible. The more you communicate the better you will get at understanding the opposite sex.


3. Don't be a *beep* idiot. You are in the process of learning about yourself but you won't learn anything if you think you know everything.


Take care home boy


KymQ knows the shiznat

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Well let me start by saying I'm 23 and am not bad to look at, so if you want to know what I want or would have in high school listen up. I'll tell you what to do. Don't be a gansta wannbe or a I'm to cool dude, or anything so "#@*'_& stupid like that. Don't talk like a moron either use simple ENGLISH Be different!!! I'll tell you the hottest man alive is Ben Affleck !! Why? He was different. He has that smile or grin actually that says yeah I knoe I'm cute but I'm syill a bit shy. Hey it my be an act but I read that 87% of all woman between the ages of 18 and 35 would sleep with him if given the chance he had a higher rating than any of those idiots like Eminem or any of those dumb ass little boys that think they are SO IT ! So think like a girl be cute and then when you get one, be a little bad but only with her.


and lose the chains man.



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1. Be yourself, don't act like somebody your not

2. I don't know what kinda look you are going for, however I know that the girls like guys that dress more relaxed. ex. Jeans + t shirt, polo shirt, cargos, and it doesn't matter what brand, old navy is cheap.

3. Get to know them as friends first, don't just go up and act cool or what not, let them begin to like you for who you are.

4. Don't pass up and opportunity when you get the chance, I did, big mistake, however if you have seen my post I have a new chance.


Good luck, oh, and focus on school work, girls for the most part, if their friends or not do care what kinda grades you get.

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