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  1. Be your self! You don't haveto change any thing to get a girl to lk they should lk u for who u are!!!
  2. Thnax guys for the advice nut I'm not sure they'll be as understanding as u! thanx a bunch.
  3. I explore myself and I neva get anywhere! I try not to stress but I get so frustrated I feel as If I'm proably the only teenage girl that doesn't get a orgasm!!
  4. I was dating one of my best guy friends for awhile and wqe broke up cuz his best friend told him I cheated on him. but I didn't!! Then his best friend asked me out and tolded me he did it becuz he really likes me. I still like my ex but I like his b/f 2. So wut do I do???
  5. When I finger myself. I feel as If I'm not doing somethin rite cuz I can neva get a good orgasm. I mean it feel good but when I'm done I don't orgasm. Is there something wrong with me??
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