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Hi everyone. Im 19 years old and I really want a small nose stud. The problem is, its against my employers dress code policy. I was thinking of getting it pierced this Friday, requesting Sunday and Tues off of work (I only work Sun Tue Thur Sat due to school), and giving it a week for the swelling to go down, then try to slip a clear nose retainer in.

Does anyone think this is a stupid/crazy idea? Is it too risky to have my boss ever notice? I wouldnt get fired or anything, but I would be told to take it out... which would be REALLY inconvienent while it's healing. Im pretty determined to do this, I was just curious how this idea sounded to other people...

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well...you COULD try talking to your boss about it. Tell him/her it's a small stud and hardly noticeable. I had the same dress code policy at my old job and the boss let my friend keep hers 'cause it was pretty small to actually be the focal point on her face. If you really want it that bad, I would go with the clear plastic thing. Then wear the real stud outside of work. I don't see how the retainer would anger your boss. It shouldn't anyway-- at least you're comprimising healing your piercing by not actually wearing the stud to work...

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A few options:


*wait for a holiday where your nose will actually get a chance to heal. A few days is not enough. you'll lose work for nothing.


*get it done, wear the clear stud, take your concequences. What are they? What if you refuse to take it out?


Maybe the nose piercing is important enough to you to be worth a little 'write up' or day sent home.


*don't do it. or wait til you switch jobs or are established enough in the company to bend rules.


I chose #3.

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i have my nose peirced, and trust me it takes longer for a week to heal. if you take it out it will close up fast, and might get infected i waited a few months to take it out.

Not a good idea.


I agree...

It took mine a lot longer than that to heal (partially because it took me a while to realise that I was allergic to the stud!).


If it's against your company's policy, definitely don't do it. If you really want to get a piercing, get it done elsewhere...

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It really does take awhile to heal. Longer than three days, actually. Getting it pierced just to take it out is pretty much a waste of money, in my opinion.


I think you should talk to your boss about it first, let him/her know you'd like to do this and that it will be small (well, I'm assuming it'll be small if you're trying to hide it!).


The studs really don't have to be noticeable unless you want them to be. I got mine done almost two years ago and a girl I see every now and then just noticed it a few weeks ago.


I actually work as a receptionist (and I spend summers working with kids) and there's usually policies against non-ear piercings, but those are getting waived more and more often because of the fact that piercings are becoming more mainstream.


Yay for us.


Anyway, wearing the plastic retainer thing will get old very quickly. I'd just tell your boss to avoid any hassle later on.

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It's not against company policy for you to have your nose pierced, you just can't have a ring/stud in it...right?


Regardless, it takes longer than a week for the pierce to heal and also, to stay pierced. Nose piercings close up very fast, you have to keep the stud and pierce in it for a good while. I know, because I used to have my nose pierced. I don't think you're going to be able to get this done while you work for this place, hon.

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