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Kinda embarrassing.... just need advice!!

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Well.... I'm happy to say i've moved on from a previous girl... and now am activly looking for someone else~ And ive found a girl thats pretty.. well... lets just say interesting... lol

Hopefully this post wont get too long, so i'm sorry if it does...

I've started talking to this girl more that is in my "circle" of friends.... and i hadnt talked to her as much since i really never saw anything happening between us.. we were just.. "friends"....


Well, we talk every once and awhile, and shes a pretty cute girl, but doesnt really go out and party as much as alot of us do... so i really dont get to see her in alot of real social settings (outside of when we are all together at someone's place, or at lunch) Well, we had a party at our house, and she ended up coming and she was pretty friendly and all with me, and i just kinda was getting a vibe... and realized i was kinda interested in her


So, we started talking a bit more.... and she seems pretty interesting.... and here i guess is where the slightly embarrassing story kicks in... haha... WELL, i was out with a buncha people and we got REALLY drunk... and i went back to my friends place... and they were just kinda hanging out playing video games.. (none of them had been drinking alot) and i just kinda talked a bit, and watched them play... Well, she lives accross the hall from them and she stopped by to say hi and see what we all were up to... well im sitting on.. i dont know how to describe it... like a lounge chair but you dont lean back in it.. lol.. anyways, shes sitting on the arm of it and i start talking to her and i make a motion for her to kinda squeeze next to me, despite the fact that there was basically no room... lol.. so she squeezes in.. and than eventually just kinda sits in my lap.... Well... one thing leads to another and we are kinda holding hands and just kinda doing w/e.. that whole finger thing (EDIT Its like.. when you're holding hands and you just kinda do odd things with each others fingers... i dont really know how to describe it, but i always think of it like footsy with your hands if that makes sense!!) .....oh ya, the lights are all off so no one was like.. staring at us, or really knows anything is going on...


Well, i eventually pass out, and wake up the next morning and just kinda slap myself in the face for being so forward with her!!! And i have no idea if i just made a total * * * out of my self or not;;;

I havent said anything to her, and we were pretty friendly, didnt act weird when we saw each other sat/sun/mon.....


SO, she had facebooked me awhile ago, and i was bored, so i grabbed her SN and talked to her on AIM for a little bit.. and was kinda hesistant cuz im afraid i'm coming off desperate... but i'm so sick of just sitting idly by and letting NOTHING happen!!! so, i guess i want to know what to do next.... I'm afraid to be too forward since its a group of friends... and im not really one to date within a circle of friends.... however, I don't want to limit myself......

I guess, whats next? Or do you think i acted too stupidly when i was drunk? I dunno, anything you got!! lay it on me

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I don't really have advice on what to do next.... but I will say that if you fingered her and she didn't stop you, then there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Yea its rare, but 1) you were drunk so you were being very forward, and 2) SHE DIDN"T STOP YOU. so don't worry about that. But as to what to do next... as long as you dont mind changing the 'no dating friends' thing, just go with it.

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ahh!!! i didnt finger her!!! lololol, i just realized i totally worded that wrong!!!!


Its like.. when you're holding hands and you just kinda do odd things with each others fingers... i dont really know how to describe it, but i always think of it like footsy with your hands if that makes sense!!

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I suggest asking her out to a movie. Not a romantic one--preferably a comedy, and not a romantic comedy. Afterwards, coffee. You should have a better idea of how she's feeling after that.


P.S. You should pardon this suggestion from someone older--I would lay off the booze. Getting s**t-faced never really does anyone any good, and it's bad for your liver. Trust me.

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lol...I thought the same thing!?!?!? Maybe you should go delete that bc when this thread get going ppl might not read that you didnt!


why would you be embarrassed? you didnt dooo anything in a forward way. Just ask her out! What are you waiting for, she likes you and if you wait too long someone else may step up to the plate.

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I reckon asking her out for a movie is WAY too forward, but the finger-footsie thing is a good sign. I do that alot LOL.... by the way, only with somene i'm keen on, too haha. You didn't make a * * * * out of yourself at all, what, you talked her into sitting on your lap and then you held her hand? They're hitting-on moves that can be pretty easily and lightly rejected and she didn't reject you so i'd say that she's probably keen also. You should, instead, just innocently 'let her know' about a few other parties that are on and invite her to come hang out with your group. And then, you know, if all goes well...

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well to be honest... i lost my nerve about pushing it further... I just am getting a bad vibe... i don't really know.... I'm getting this feeling that shes not interested... and i'm not sure what i can do!! I'm thinking i might just hold back for a bit.. since i dont want to screw up the friend thing.. but if she ever opens up to me... i think i might try to make some magic happen ha! We'll see, her actions that night seemed to show she was interested... but ya never know with these crazy girls


oh ya, I've been talking to her a bit now online, so we seem to be getting to know each other a bit more.... so we'll see~

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well to be honest... i lost my nerve about pushing it further... I just am getting a bad vibe... i don't really know.... I'm getting this feeling that shes not interested... and i'm not sure what i can do!!



oh ya, I've been talking to her a bit now online, so we seem to be getting to know each other a bit more.... so we'll see~


Well you should always listen to your gut. I hope things work out for you, my fingers are crossed!!!

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Ok, well heres the latest in this small saga of my life..... I came back to my buddy's house again (and she was there) and we ended up sitting next to each other on the couch and watched some chick flick... yada yada yada we ended up doing the same thing that kinda started these shananigins (is that how you spell that?)

And well, it was fine w/e... Well, the movie ends, and she just kinda gets up and hangs out with people out of the room, and i just stayed where it was and talked to my buddy's GF for a bit... Well, its pretty late like 3 or 4, and my buddy's GF goes to grab a dirnk and comes back and is pissed at her BF cuz he hands his arm around the girl that was just with us....

WHAT!?!?! so im pretty confused right there......

So, i decide that its time to head home, and thats the end of my night....


Well, i wake up and check my away messages, and i have an IM for some guy that lives with them, that i dont really even KNOW that well.. (like.. i say hi to him in passing... the end)

and it says:


i'd like to be the first to welcome you to the club

To which im totallly confused.... I know hes VERY good friends with that one girl.... like.. they are very close..... I have no idea what hes talking about, and when i IM'ed him back "what club?" he just brushed it off......

I'm very confused, are we interested in the same girl and he got shot down? and thinks i am too? Is the girl just a flirt and leads guys on and hes speaking from experience? I don't know;; but i wasn't really interested in all this drama....

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Well, we talk every once and awhile, and shes a pretty cute girl, but doesnt really go out and party as much as alot of us do... so i really dont get to see her in alot of real social settings (outside of when we are all together at someone's place, or at lunch)


Doesnt sound like your description of her now as this non party girl is holding up if that is what your friend meant by "joining the club". Unless he means something totatlly unrelated.


well to be honest... i lost my nerve about pushing it further... I just am getting a bad vibe... i don't really know....



but ya never know with these crazy girls

The bolded statements are powerful ones, even if you were kidding or whatever the subconscious is telling you something. I would be wary....

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mmhmm.. i talked to my house mate a bit about what that guy meant... and im leaning towards.... he made a move on her.. and she shot him down... and he THINKS i got shot down since i didnt end up spending the night with her? So he feels that we are in the same group..... I tried to talk to him about it afterwards, but maybe he found out the truth and is a bit embarrased? I'm not sure... Sometimes i feel like i should just forget about it... but i keep getting that "what if?" in the back of my mind... I kinda thinking that i'm just gonna leave this on the back burner, and see what happens...... not gonna stress over it

Thanks for the replies


as for the "crazy girls" comment... i just meant that all girls are crazy

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mmhmm.. i talked to my house mate a bit about what that guy meant... and im leaning towards.... he made a move on her.. and she shot him down... and he THINKS i got shot down since i didnt end up spending the night with her? So he feels that we are in the same group..... I tried to talk to him about it afterwards, but maybe he found out the truth and is a bit embarrased? I'm not sure... Sometimes i feel like i should just forget about it... but i keep getting that "what if?" in the back of my mind... I kinda thinking that i'm just gonna leave this on the back burner, and see what happens...... not gonna stress over it


You're probably right, the way you described her in the beginning she didn't sound like a party girl or anything. So yeah, he probably thinks you asked her out and were rejected.


I think you should just make a move on her next time you see her. I mean, the way she talks to you and touches you (the "fingering" thing, haha...) I'd say she does.


as for the "crazy girls" comment... i just meant that all girls are crazy


This is true. Don't forget this. haha...

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