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Yeah uh, im 17 and ive been dating this girl for about 3 months. My friend was just dumped by his girlfriend because he was too "nice" or something. I'm worried that if im too sweet to this girl she might do the same. I buy her flowers all the time. I dont want to seem needy or anything. Is there such thing as being too sweet? I would really appreciate it if some girls gave me some advise. Thanks a ton!

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Stop worrying.


You and your girlfriend are totally different to your friend and his. Different people have different tastes, etc. Don't go ahead and stop doing something just because it didn't work for your friends. If your girlfriend hasn't complained then there's nothing to worry about.


Relax and enjoy your time together.

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If she ever broke up with you because you're 'too sweet', don't worry about it. Why would you ever want to date a girl who dumps guys for such idiotic reasons?


And I think maybe your friend's g/f felt the relationship was too boring, not that he was too nice.


But you could lay off on the flowers though- that gets expensive and she may think it's too stuffy and boring. It's even better to get flowers every once in a while like on Valentine's or birthdays or sometimes 'just because'.


Try handwriting her little notes and giving her more personal gifts. That's really sweet and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I think if a girl really dumped someone for being 'too nice' thats another term for pushover... or wuss maybe. I think all girls want a nice guy, but they want a guy who doesnt cater to their every whim and desire, who still has his own identity etc. basically a man, not a doormat.


Just be yourself. If that isnt what your girl wants, and she dumps you, then it wasnt meant to be. But I wouldnt worry.

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Don't you worry about being too nice.

Just be yourself.


If you are a romantic guy and like to give a girl flowers all the time, then do it.

My boyfriend is ridiculously sweet and I am so thankful for him and blessed to have such a romantic man in my life. The right girl will most definitely appreciate you.

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Dont listen to all the women on this post telling you to be nice... they dont know what they want


Unless Rabican is a women, because he/she hit the nail on the head.

I think if a girl really dumped someone for being 'too nice' thats another term for pushover... or wuss maybe. I think all girls want a nice guy, but they want a guy who doesnt cater to their every whim and desire, who still has his own identity etc. basically a man, not a doormat.

Dont do everything she tells you to do, get her to do things for you, bust on her when she screws up, things like that.


iamteddybear also had it right (Y)

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