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Sex is fun!! Unless there's no climax....

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I've been with my boyfriend for over a year. We have little battles at times, but in the end we are really happy with eachother and things always tend to work out, for the most part lol. Just one thing that keeps bothering me


We have sex on the regular. It's always exciting for me. But he usually comes before I do. so that means I have to wait for him to get back up before we can go at it again. By the time he gets back up, i'm kinda out of the mood and it never works out for me. The whole time we've been together I haven't had an orgasm during intercourse. If he goes down on me (which he doesn't like to do often), it takes no time. but intercourse never ever works out for me. I haven't said anything to him cuz I don't want him to feel like he's not good enough or whatever. Maybe it's me, maybe i'm not thinking the right thoughts or something?? I don't want to end our relationship over sex. I mean there HAS to be something we can do to make things work on this end right????

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Many woman never climax from intercourse.


There are other positions though where you can put pressure on that spot to create the climax. I have heard with the woman on top ... can work for some.


Self play can teach you what works for you.


I dont think there is anything wrong with him. So if you do talk to him make sure that you dont imply that at all.


to me sex is fun even if I dont have the big 'climax'.... but thats just me.

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You need to try different things. I've known women who get off only on top, others only missionary, another only when spooned and with a hand rubbing on or near her clit.


Also, I would encourage you to talk to him and get him to try some things to hol doff. Self-hypnosis tapes might help.

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Join the gang Bewitched! lol


Most women don't cum from penetration alone. SIMPLE as that. i've only ever experienced 2 penetrative orgasms in my life.


Hows about you helping yourself out? as he is in you....stimulate your clit...when you get close - he'll be hitting the right spots and you should cum good.


Alternatively - ask him to get you close. Just before you want to cum, ask him to enter you...this will keep things going and you may just cum from him being inside you.



Missionary - legs up like your going to wrap them round him but don't...he should hit your front wall....which is where your 'penetrative' orgasm hides!!


Talk to him about it...i'm sure he'd love to get you there as much as you want to xx

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It sounds like besides your lack of orgasm, it's a great relationship - it would be silly to give up on a good thing. Talk to him about trying to last a little longer before he orgasms so that you get a little more out of it. Reassure him that he's doing everything fine, but that you want him to hold off a few more minutes. Someone else recommended having him get you close to orgasm with foreplay first - not a bad idea at all. Communication Communication Communication!

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