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Me and my ex dated for about 6 months. We loved each other a lot. There were problems in our relationship though. I cheated on her when we first started going out and we argued all the time. But we truly loved each other. She loved me so much she gave me her virginity on Valentines day. Well every thing was good until we started arguing more. One night we were arguing and she hubg up the phone. i was drunk and called her back and left a message. I said some stupid stuff that I never should of never said. I didn't mean it but that doesn't matter right. So she said she couldn't do this anymore. It was more like "Don't ever f@#$ing call me again". Well I wasn't going to give up that easy. I tried for a month. i kept calling her and trying to communicate with her. I did that because she has said stuff like that before so I don't take it as it meaning anything. Well finally i gave up. I ended p just partying with my friends and I had sex with 2 girls. Well one day I decided to send her a text message on her phone. And you guessed it, she answered. She told me how hard this month was and how much she loved me. She poured her heart out. I loved her to and I told her that. I had to tell her what happen though. So at out friends house the next night i told her. She started crying and told me to go away. Once again i wouldn't. She told me there was no point in living, and how much she hated me, etc. Well I tried to call her and finally she answered and told me she hated me and to never call her again. We got in a big argument and i thru the fact that she gave me her virginity back in her face. We haven't talked since then. i told her before though that she makes me want to be a better person. To describe me i mostly bum when it comes to wearing clothes. i do things that should not be done (illegal things). I'm 270 lbs. but i'm 6' 3" so thats not that bad. I figured if i could prove to her that she makes me want to be a better person by improving those things then maybe she will see how much i care. I also have all her letters and things she gave me. If the next time i see her i give her those would that mean anything? I know she still cares because her friends are also my friends and they tell me what all she says. Do you think there is a chance. even if there isn't much of a chance i have to try. i really do care about her and i do beileve that one day this will work out. Tell me what you think.

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Hi Lance,


I feel that in order to win her back again, you might need to do a little soul searching first. Time to look within yourself.


Firstly, do not venture into having sex with anyone else when your relationship is hanging in the balance. That is not too wise. Sex cannot resolve anything yah? Secondly, if she is someone you really care about, then make her your priority in your life. Make that extra effort to care for her, to travel that extra mile. Relationships do not flourish based on lip service.


Try to understand how she felt when you dealt her that death blow. It is not too late to make some amendments,just be sure that you are sincere. Bring her out for a nice dinner and talk about things. Things that matter between the both of you. Most importantly, let her know how serious you are with her. Of course...make sure you mean them.


Good luck Lance!

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Sorry but I don't think you should persue this.


You cheated on her when you first got together and you still do it months later?. You say you really love her but if you did you wouldn't keep sleeping around behind her back. I think what you are feeling is desire to have her and keep her as your property for sex whenever you want it but at the same time you also want to sh@g every other woman you can get your hands on. IF you really loved this woman you would have dedicated yourself to her. The fact that you haven't shows that whilst she is important to you, she's not your number one priority.


I really think you should consider if this is going to work long term. You've had nothing but arguments and you've slept behind her back when the opportunity has arisen.


In my honest opinion I have to say that it looks as if you are both incompatible. How many more affairs, arguments, silences is it going to take before one of you learns that it's not going to work? - What happens the next time you fall out - Will you go and sleep with yet another woman?


It seems that this is not meant to be. Quit while your ahead. Make your apology's to the woman for all you have done and admit that you've caused enough greif and move on. Let the woman live in peace rather than continue tormenting her. She has a life to lead to and she deserves the opportunity to try and be happy too.


I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear and I'm sorry that things haven't worked out but you really should consider your position very carefully.


If it were me, I'd call it a day.

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