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damn these words hurt like hell... what do I do here

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ppl know my story here ... so please tell me..its something new each and everytime with this girl.


last night my gf of 4 months (18yrs old) made me feel like *** and hurt so bad. she went to her best friends bd. then when she came back she calls me tells me about the bd and how it was. all of a sudden she starts telling me what the bf got her which was a digital camera (an expensive one). then she sarts talking about her ex and how he got her these expensive sunglasses and all the other crap. and how she misses that. then she starts saying what the ex got her for her bd and the other day. I really don't know what the hell happened that night that she starts saying all this stuff. then she say how she trys to make me happy and I don't buy her expensive gifts.. I buy her roses occasionally ,, so I told her that she says well rose dies after a week.. I am like ***.. so anyhow the night ends I go to bed and sleep . I called again 5 min after tying to see what the hell happened that night, she replies I dunno whats wrong with me I am acting stupid now..then she says I need to sleep so I talk to you later, this is pretty my it. today she calls appologizez about her behavior, and me as ususaly forgive her cause I love her too damn much. but something changed today about me. I just can't look at her the same again. those words were hurtful. All i do is to make this person happy.(maybe not with frikin expensive gifts) but with other stuff,,


she is now like a material girl. piece of trash to me.. I will dump her

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sometimes people say things that they really don't mean......And sometimes when we love someone so much we really take those words to heart......


She must have honestly felt bad for saying those things, b/c otherwise she wouldn't have apologized today.


But its up to you what you do now...How is it that with just a few words she can go from the woman you LOVE, to a piece of trash?? Do you really love her as much as you think you do?

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Okay, yes, some people do say things they don't mean but I get the feeling she really did mean that. Her words show that she is quite materialistic and bases relationships on expensive gifts. Unfortunately she is not alone....many women are like that...I know several in just one small circle of friends. You have a right to feel upset for what she said and for looking at her in a different light. You want someone to love you for who you are, not what kind of gifts you buy. I am sure that things will settle down now that she has apologized but watch what she does because apologies mean nothing if her true nature is materialistic.

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one thing I do not understand is that she is wealthy... like her family .. she drives her own SUV and well we "my family are not as wealthy as she is.. she has everything she wants so is that what a bf is for? I remember a quote she said last night "maybe I should have a creadit card as a bf" i really don't know what has gotten into her she was never like that.

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I agree with few of you above, She is spoiled, alot of girls from rich families never had to go through the thoughts and stresses most of us go through. As a girl, I would never want a guy for amount of money he has, he might have a million dollars but simultaneously he might have an IQ of -million (if that exists). Be smart, if a girl is so materialistic let her go find a new one, many other girls would want a guy like you whose so passtionate and understanding.


Bottom line


I have read few other of your posts and it seems you guys have a very rocky relationship, and it appears your current girlfiend is very immature and childish. So dump her, that attitude shouldnt be tolerated a girl should love you for what you are not for how much fills your pocket [-X



I will [-o

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she is going away today to this cottage up north with her family for 3 days. so basically we can't really talk on the phone. she sent me this email


"hellooo baby..


i just wanted to say that i feel like such an idiot for last night!..i dont know

what was wrong with me i guess my stupid friends make me act like them even

though i really know what they say and do is soo sooo sooo wrong. I love you to

death and i would never ever ever take a stupid digital camera over u!..your

amazing and i know you do all that you can for me...baby im soo sorrryy..i dont

know what go into my head i was acting like such a stupid little B*** lol!..i

just want you to know that you are by far the most amazing boyfriend and that i

love you till death! ..i am gonna miss you so much this weekend i cant explain

how much i will be missing you im so sad but i promise i will email you a lot

each day..pls dont do anything bad (hehe dont kiss n e girls) andd i promise i

will be an amazing wife there! andddddd i promise that when i get back i

willgive u the BIGGEST KISSSSS ever!!..i love you to death always and forever




your always""



..very touching and I am crying right now just cause its really hard for me, everytime this happens somehow I can forgive her again hoping and wanting that this stuff will never happen., I do love this woman.. I just don't know what to do.. I need someone more mature.

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