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Ever had a crazy/psycho stalker ex-boyfriend? How do you make him go away!?!?

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So, he's freaking stalking me.


He made up a load of crap, pretending this company wanted to hire me as a free-lance. Gave me fake phone numbers and adresses, and keeps sending me e-mails asking me to log-in my MSN so they can keep telling me what the job is about, etc,etc. Which is all bull.


The supposed employer, keeps bringing up my personal life like casually. It is him wanting to know what exactly am I up to.


I already stopped using that account and blocking him. I'm gonna change my cell and phone number.


Is he gonna find a way to keep getting back into my life? How do I get rid of him for good ?!?!?! I can't move, he lives in this city too...

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Yes, I had a psycho stalker!!!! It's so stupid and really a pain to deal with!


My ex would sit in his car outside of my work for HOURS, in front of stores, anywhere he saw my car. He had his mother call me pretending he was missing, he called me at all hours, etc. Just plain crazy.


Honestly it didn't stop until I got another boyfriend who threatened him FOUR times to back off. I still got crazy calls for another year or so but then it finally died out.


Is he threatening you or anything, or is he just being generally creepy? I think you should definently change your number, your email, etc and just completely ignore him. He's acting crazy, so why don't you? Just pretend you have no idea who he is if he tries to talk to you.

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Because there are no such things as law enforcements here in Latin America.


I can see why this would be a challenge for you. In the link below, there is an article that gives the names of some organizations at the end that might offer advice:



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Do you have any male friends or family members that can tell him off and let him know that he needs to stay away?



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When we brocke up months ago, he said he would make my life a living hell, but he didnt and disappeared.


Then he calls me drunk in the morrow.


Then disappears.


Then, he pretends he's someone else, from an imaginary company that wants to hire me. And mentions there is this corpse (with all his features) that they found like 2 weeks ago (I mean ?!?!?!? who does that ?!?!?! is sick...) like to see my reaction to his "death" or something...


I hope he doesnt keep searching for more ways to find out what am I up to. Cuz he's really witty when it comes to lies and cheating on people and making up things. Is scary. I had no idea he was such a psycho. I lost 5 years of my life with him.

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Thanks for the link. No, I don't have anyone right now. If I tell my father he's just gonna freak out and make the things even more complicated and ridiculous.



I met him online 5 years ago. Became a couple, he was the typical jealous control freak, he was the center of my universe for all that time. I burnt ALL BRIDGES for him. When I sent him to hell and he snapped. Im gonna change all the contact infor he had from me. But we live in the same city, so I guess he can keep messing around if he wants to, I cannot move.

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Well it sounds kinda like my ex...just pretty creepy. He was too much of a coward to do anything horrible to me, he just hasseled me for 2 years or so.


Somtimes it just takes them getting bored before they'll stop, or finding someone else to focus their attention on. It's sad though that there are people like that out there.


Just continue ignoring him. He wants to get a rise out of you, do NOT give it to him. That will just add fuel to his fire.

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I know, it'll cost like 2 bucks to change my local number and the cell.... well I think I would have to buy a new one.


The problem is he knows where I live. And I can't move. And I don't even know how crazy he still is or what he will do next when he finds out he can't keep hiding behind the fake e-mails or cellphone calls.


Brrrrrrr... scary!

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My GF had the same problem. The way she handled it was by calling on some close friends who are in an Motorcycle Club. They left him with quite and impression and he never darkened her door again.


Other than that... change your Cell phone number, phone number, internet account names, log-ins.. and quit hanging out on the net where he can find you.

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All 5 of my brothers belong to a club.... want me to ship them to you? It'd get them out of my hair for a while!!! They really are the sweetest gentlest souls in the world and they are always ready to rescue a damsel in distress.


I agree with everyone else here. Change the things you can change. If you have any contact with him be very firm, cool and detached. Devout of emotion.

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My ex-boyfriend kept calling me. When he threatened to kill himself on my front lawn, I decided it was time to change my cell phone number. I told my mom what was going on, and she called his mom and told her what had been going on. Since then, he has only sent me a few email messages which I have ignored and the drama has disappeared.

Getting family involved can be a sticky situation, but it just may work. Ignoring him works sometimes too. If you feel that he is going to physically harm you, maybe a women's self-defense class if you can find any in your area. Im sorry that the authorities cannot help with this situation. Best of luck!!

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I know exactly where you are coming from with this.I was stalked for two years and still live in fear of my ex being able to get hold of contact numbers and my address.


I was bombarded with milicious/threatening phone calls and text messages for two years and my partner's car wheel nuts were loosened.The ex was not prosecuted as the police who dealt with it messed the case up by not using all the evidence my partner and I had.I now have a panic alarm button in my house that is wired up to the domestic violence department(the ex is violent.)


The police need to be informed as well as friends and neighbors.The more people you talk to about it the better.All points of contact need to be terminated ie change your internet addresses and phone numbers.I know that it is a pain to do it but if he hears your voice and the emotion in it which sometimes is hard to conceal then he will get a kick out of it.I don't want to worry you but it is best if you cut off all means of comminication with this weirdo and do it fast.



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I just stopped paying attention to his last prank about the fake job, and instantly he came to my house acting like he didn't understand what happened... yeah right.


He's been there knocking and ringing the bell for an hour.


I called the police like 7 times. They said it wasn't their problem or their exboyfriend. No cops ever showed up.


Next time if it occurs to him to bring a gun or a baseball bat, it's over dudes.


He finally left, but who knows what he'll do next.

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Block his emails, change your phone number, let friends and family know what's going on...luckily when I broke up with my last boyfriend I still lived with my parents and he was too chicken to do anything like show up at my house. Definitely make sure you have a strong support system and if you are scared, surround yourself with lots of people. If things get really bad, contact authorities. Even if they can't do anything, at least they are aware that something isn't right and can be on the look out for it.

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