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Poem I wrote on age gap here!

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Hey, this is a poem I wrote-


It was controversial, just picture the scene,

A 25 year old man and a girl of 15,

Yeah this man was the age of her Fathers brother,

But no1 could deny they truly care for eachother,

They were friends for a year but the friendship progressed,

And after three months they both, decided to confess,

Her family took it bad, sayin it was puppy love,

But she knew it wasn't true, so if push came to shove,

She'd leave them for him, because he was her king,

And if they were together they could conquer anything,

Yeah he cares and wanted what was right for her,

But he cares so much he would fight for her,

They were there for eachother when times were rough,

Had a shoulder to cry on when times got tough,

They made a bond, and had such a strong connection,

Their relationship was love, honesty and affection,

Age was just a number and not a big deal,

But what was a big deal was how they both feel,

When together they were happy, and so content,

She's his angel she believes, he's truly heaven sent,

They love eachother, but will never set the other free,

Because they are certain their perfect, and so meant to be.


Any1 got any opinions on age gap???



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Thankyou for you positive words on my poem, and your opinion on age gap. I myself am a big believer in fate, so if two people care, then why not??? If u love someone then its always worth a chance. But I agree that sometimes the younger person can get over-ruled, so u need to make sure it's 50-50 with maximum communication, as with any relationship.


I hope other people have other opinions to share!

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I believe that a relationship should be 50-50 no matter what, regardless of age, gender or anything. But if you are in a relationship with an older person, and I speak from experience here, it is very easy for the younger party to almost look up to the older party. Maybe you feel they have more experience than you, relationship or life, so they know better. If an older person is actually trying to over-rule you then I really don't think anybody should stand for that. You should feel that you are in a relationship because YOU want to be with that someone, and that someone wants to be with YOU, they should make you feel special, as u feel them and never feel below them. If I was in this situation then I would really look at myself and ask myself if I wanted to be with someone like this, but I would definitely give them a chance to talk to me and explain what they feel is happening. I believe if you care about someone enough to commit yourself to them, then it is definitely worth putting hard work into to try and make it work. I would tell my partner my hopes, fears, wants and needs, although it would seem daunting, and I'd see how they'd react. In the end if nothing else changed, then I hope I'd be strong enough to walk away and find something or someone that is all I could want and need!


I hope other people have opinions on this too.



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I agree with whats been said. But I also have to throw in another wrinkle. The relationship has to overcome the biases of others. Some will not take the relationship seriously and will be angry. And that can be very hard on the relationship.


If both of you stick together and really don't care what others think you'll be ok. As time goes by it will be less of a big deal. Good luck to you both!

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