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acne-same place all the time

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I keep getting reoccurring pimples in the same spot over and over again every month, right before my period. Does anyone know of any good and strong anti-acne cleansers, or creams to treat these? I religiously cleanse my face with a face anti acne cleanser, but I still seem to get these two or three pimples in the same spot every month. It is sooo annoying


Thanks everyone

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Around your chin? (That's where my period spots come!). Seems to help when I cut down on caffeine, smoking and booze, and drink loads of water. I also take a vitamin skin supplement which has helped. And I use clinique 7 day exfoliating cream, that also seems to help. It's so frustrating, isn't it?


Yes, right on the bottom of the chin and sometimes on my jawline. It's very annoying

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The chin area is very prone to breakouts because people tend to touch it on a regular basis, such as when they rest it on their hand...I know I do that! Try monitoring your behavior and if you catch yourself touching your chin, remind yourself of the hands-off policy.


As far as medication, there's a Clinique acne treatment that I absolutely adore. All you have to do is dab it on the problem spots after cleansing...

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Yes, the hormonal fluctuations as you near your period seem to make you more prone to those small breakouts! My mum got the "same" pimple on the same spot for 30 years...


I would just make sure you are eating healthy, and drinking lots of water. Cleanse your face, but be careful not to overdo it as this can actually cause your skin to produce more oils. Creams & cleansers with salyclic acid or benzoyl peroxide can be effective, but again be limited in their use - don't overdo it.

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OK, try this (I get several pimples around the same annoying place):


- Wash the area with a 2% Salicilic Acid cleanser, leave it there and then rinse.


- Then, get an ice cube and put it over the affected area, until the skin is really cold (but be careful, don't burn it), this will open the pore and help with the swelling. (This is really important so don't skip the ice cube thing)


- While is still really cold, apply all over the pimples Clearasil (5% Benzoyl Peroxide) or some other product with that concentration and leave it for a couple of minutes.


- Rinse again, and use a moisturizer that contains about 8% of Glicolic Acid.


Follow this treatment daily, morning and night, for a month or so, it really works! The pimples will stop appearing, or at least they'll dissappear much quickier, and u'll be less prone to break-outs.


Hope it helps. It helped me indeed.

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I have an acne problem already and the only thing that works for me is Acne Free and you can at places like Wal Mart and Target. I get those acne spots right before as well and I have found that increasing water intake is a good way to handle it. As an added bonus the extra water seems to help with that annoying problem. Hope this helps.

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