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As few of you know, I'm a big fan of Pokemon. My relationship with it has been described as beyond obsessive. Well, a few days ago I found out that the new company that has the rights to dubbing the episodes desided to replace ALL of the origional Voice Actors. (VAs) I grew up with these people as my role modles and only friends. They were like family to me, and now they've been thrust out into the streets to find another job. I was devistated to find out about this. Since I found out I've been the lowest I've ever been. I feel even worse than when my first GF broke up with me. All I been wanting now is for this to either just be some kind of dream, or for the empty feeling inside to just go away. I don't know what else to do, I have nothing without these people, and now there gone forever. I know it's 'different' to feel this way about a show, but please know that this show has been a big part of my life since I was 8 years old and it's been the only part of my life. I do hope you people will listen because everywhere else people just mock me about this and put me down.

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i can totally understand why you would be unhappy with this news, but you need to put this into perspective. Part of you must understand that a change in a favorite cartoon (and I do like my animated shows) is no reason for a rational teenager to post in a suicide forum. The displaced actors will be fine, don't worry about them. Besides, the new ones are now part of Pokemon, so why turn your backs on them?


Someday soon you will get bored with it, anyway. You'd be surprised at how much more fun there is to life besides Pikachu and Team Rocket. Wait and see.

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Hold on, I do care about the guy behind the username, and I do understand that you're way, way into that world. "Beyond obsession", you said, and it's pretty much right on the money.


I'm NOT knocking Pokemon. I've watched a few episodes with my son myself, and it's actually pretty entertaining. But he grew out of it long before he reached your age. Something is a little out of balance here, and I just want to help you see that.


So do you understand that it's not healthy to base your whole life around one thing, and that by focusing on Pokemon so heavily you're missing out on a lot of great experiences that you should be enjoying at your age? Do you ever notice that it's a show aimed at kids between 6 and 11? Do you understand that if the current crop of actors were hired before the old ones, THEY would be the people you were mourning? Do you understand that the ones who left saw it only as a job and couldn't care less about the characters they played?


MewSkitty, do you ever go out and see a movie? Do you have a driver's license? Do you like to listen to music? Tell me something that you do that isn't Pokemon-related.

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Mew no fair, I sent you and PM asking how you where,


Well let me help if I can,


TV shows, humm I make them, thats right I do its my job.

I have been doing it for 9 years and its a grate job.

I have done work with voice over acters and Ill tell you one thing

Pokemon is not there only work, most Voices do well more than one voice for a start and more than one show, Adds and films. I know the C3PO yep I do Anthony Daniels hes a grate guy and also a good bussness man, hes part onwer of a company with another mate of mine.


So I would not worry about the voice acters hiting the streets not with there agents there to get them there next gig.


As for being obsest with pockmon, I know how it can get im the same I get some thing in my mind and its just there,


at the moment its Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, TV shows, I been whaiching them no stop for 3 weeks trying to work out why well they work.


Its the fact the lead is in fact profoundly disbeled,

(is just and brain) and has a prothetic body.


But there more in it, I started reading back to the 1st manga comics trying to work out the way the who idear had eveolved, as it moved from comic to film and then now the shows you can see how its been refined, things taken away things added until you get the grate shows now and next another film with the new line up and idears.


what Im saying is art dos not stand still, as teams work on shows they try as long as they have fule of cash to inprove and invent new ways to express idears with in the show.


NOTE: See "days of there lives" and the NYC art group Virus


Now your show is doing the same moving on with evaltion,


I have to ask you this, could it be that the show changeing may in fact worry you as its the 1st signs that your childhood is coming to an end.

Could it be you dont wont to grow up and let go of such things.

Being as ill has you have been could it be you like to be seen as a child and thats some how you feel you will lose love if you let all this go.


At 17 your at the point where you will become and man, may be just maybe its time to hand in to small boys toys and go get to big boys toys.

A mans life is but a chouse away.


Then you can go to Uniy, get a BA in animation and make your own Pockamon shows.


now thats some thing to Im at, have a look at the 2d shaders in Maya.

Line art can be done with just a pen and scanner, paint tools for PCs are to a penny. Mac sell some good video software as dos Adobe.

All you need to make your own shows and who knows in a few years you could be on a sound stage with the very voice artist you loved as a kid.


See the futuers yours to make

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Pokemon omg i love the show havent seen it in a while. I do know how you feel a piece of me goes when someone i really like leave a fav show of mine and it makesme just want to die so badly. then i think the might of left the show but they might go into another show soon. So be strong live life to the fullest

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I talked with some people irl today and I'm feeling a little better. It'll take a long time to recover from this, if I ever do. Just to let y'all know, I'm a very unstable person, I have many problems that come and go and when too much comes at once I get very depressed and most of the time suicaidal. I will be starting to see a tharapist in a few weeks to help me, I wish to never be this way again. Also, unlike my usual luck, I was able to sort this out without my mother knowing and I even have a great cover story for why I'll be seeing a tharepist. Things are starting to look better, but without help I'll likely be suicaidal again and again until I either try to kill myself again or I get perfessional help. Oh, and one of you guys mentioned about me might not wanting to grow up. Well, it's true, I don't want to ever grow up, but I don't want to act like a little kid. I want to keep the innocence of a child, but be able to live life like a normal person. It'll very confusing for me, but only time will tell who will win this battle.

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"Oh, and one of you guys mentioned about me might not wanting to grow up. Well, it's true, I don't want to ever grow up, but I don't want to act like a little kid. I want to keep the innocence of a child, but be able to live life like a normal person. It'll very confusing for me,"


Thats basically what it means I think ot be a taoist, look at the world with a childs eyes yet see with hart of an elder.


been trying to do that for years,

best thing is its fun trying and kids like a grownup how knows how they see the world.

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Mew if thats what the doc say the thats what you have to do,


I can not say your wrong in talking them as when im very bad i have happy pills to. Some times when its real bad ist the only thing you can do to keep sain.


So Kido what you going to do after school time for some hard thinking on what your going to do with your life.

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I have plans for when I'm out of school. I plan on going to college for computers and getting married to Jesse. We plan on getting a house of our own around her family so she can be near them. As for my family, I hate them so I'd be happy to move away from them. I just hope our plans work out, cause if they don't.....I don't know what I'll do. Life is a gamble, so you have to take risks. Anyways I almost forgot why I came to post. I came here to let you know that I got an email (finally) from Jesse. I'm not sure if she fixed her computer or was just at a friends, but as long as she can talk to me it dosen't matter. She mentioned how her friends complain when their BFs are gone for just a week. I told her that she should be happy that she's strong enough to handle a long-distance relationship. I just hope everything works out so I can be with her. Jesse's happiness is all that matters to me.

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Thanks Mew for the up date, I know your having a tugh time but she soulds like a grate girl. I have an idear why not try the old Pen and paper way for keeping in tuch, I have a softspot for letters and I know thay come accress and kind of more caring as they can be carred around.

Now theres an Idear for the long long hours.


also the best poets where down when they made there best stuff, could be good to right stuff when you on a downer I know it works for me.

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Jesse's parents don't like the idea of her being in a relationship. So, we have to kinda keep our relationship a secret from her parents. They'd never even let me talk to her if they found out we were engaged. Anyways, because of this she isn't allowed to call or send letter to me. I love hand writing and would gladly accept letters from anyone to keep. I have a few old letters from Jesse back when we just started being BF and GF.....I just reread my last post, it's out of date already. Well, the day after I made that post I got another email from Jesse and she said she got her computer fixed and has a new screen name for AIM. Well, I can't wait to talk to her again. She said it kinda makes her sad not being able to talk to me as much as we used to. Well, if things keep going this way I'll be better in no time. Well, since I'm no longer suicidal this thread is meaningless to me. If you'd like to know how I'm doing just check out my journal here.

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