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Many many moons ago I dated a wonderful man. The problem is I didn't know how wonderful he was/is until recently. We remained friends after the break-up, which is wonderful but I want to try things again. Given that it has been so many years and he has a new (and very busy) life he is not interested in pursuing a relationship beyond what we have now. My heart is just BREAKING because I was so stupid and lost the most wonderful man on the planet. Does anyone think they have a solution for my problem? I do not want ways to manipulate him into doing what I want, I don't want him to be with me out of guilt.

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You know, your is a difficult one, because if you flat out tell him you want him, it could ruin your friendship if he not looking to be involved romantically. on the other hand , if you do what your doing now, it will stay the same as it is now.


the best i could come up with is , to gradually involve your self in his life, it has to be very gradual, take it real slow. maybe there is a concert with his favorite group playing for example, you could say you want to see it, but dont want to go alone and have two tickets. etc.


Weeks later, do something else, etc. after all you ARE "friends". just slip your way in, its not a trick, your just being your fun self, and hopefully somewhere down the line he will see you for who you are and make a "joking" pass.


By the way, your the cause many people hold out hope of getting back with their Ex's, because every many many moons, one does realize how great their gal/guy really was and wants them back.


good luck, and may love triumph

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