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Helpp Plzzz


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ok so i really need help with this one.. kk so lets put it this way there is this guy named kyle and hes really nice and all my friends like him and the thing is he really likes me and he wants us to go out butt as much as i like him i really like this other guy named nick and the problem is that nick doesnt know this but i think he has some clue because of the signs i give him. Also me and nick started getting kind of close but ever since he saw me with kyle he keeps asking why im with him and he started being kind of distant. Anyway i cant figure out if nick likes me or not but he always asks me why i hang out with kyle and he always makes fun of kyle. Then last week i asked nick to give me something and he told me to ask kyle to give me it which was just totally weird. I dont want to tell nick i like him because im scared hell reject me but i also find myself avoiding kyle because im scared he will ask me out...what should i do?!?!

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Well... like grandma used to say. You only have one a55 and you can't sit it on two chairs. Make up your mind which one you are going for and stick with him. UNLESS... you don't really want either one of them and are only into dating them as "friends".... doesn't sound like NICK likes that idea though... hmmmmmm.


And it sounds like you'd go for Nick if you knew he was a sure bet eh????


Kyle seems like the spare.


Well... let Kyle go. Set him loose so he can at least pursue a girl who is really into him. And talk to NICK. I'm the direct kind of person so it works for me.. I'd just ask him straight up. And if you get a negative response.. well then you just go on. You will be free to pursue someone who is totally into you and you them.

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