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I've been NC with the ex for over a month now, after trying to be friends for almost the last year. However, this has been the 5th consecutive night that I've had a very vivid dream about her, or involving her. Not to mention ones that I've had in the past about her, but it seems that everytime I close my eyes, she's there. I'm on the road to healing, but I can't seem to stop having these dreams. Can anyone tell me what they might mean, or why I'm having them, or even better... how to stop having them ?

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The general consensus among the medical community today is that dreams are your brain's way of processing information. This means that if you are dreaming about the ex, you are still thinking about her. Probably the best thing to do, in your case, is to find other things to think about-- like a new hobby, new book, etc. to preoccupy your brain with. Then maybe you'll start dreaming about other things Good luck!

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Only time will stop the dreams. I have had dreams of people from my past many times. Sometimes it's rehashes of old conversations, sometimes it's entirely new ones. Your mind is just processing information.. it's a way of tying up all the loose ends that are still roaming your thoughts. In all, just don't dwell on them... think of them as just a phenomenon that rarely have any intrinsic meaning.

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Only time will stop the dreams. I have had dreams of people from my past many times. Sometimes it's rehashes of old conversations, sometimes it's entirely new ones. Your mind is just processing information.. it's a way of tying up all the loose ends that are still roaming your thoughts. In all, just don't dwell on them... think of them as just a phenomenon that rarely have any intrinsic meaning.




Yep, time is the only thing pal.



Keep us informed - oh and bloody keep those emotions in check !!




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