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Friendship and loyality

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I feel sad right now because i've been betrayed again by people. My Background story. I use to post on this incel board and i thought i had friends on that board.I left the board because members verbal attack me and i thought after i left the board.The friends that i had on the board would have kept in touch with me.Surprises!!!!!!!!!!!! My "Friends" pick the board instead of our friendship.

Well i'm trying not to cry.I am soo tired of people not being loyal to me. I'm tired of being hurt by people.Can i have one friend i can count on?I guess not.I'm tired of feeling this pain.

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I don't have any offline friends.I thought i had "Friends " on the incel board but i was wrong. I was verbal attacked on that board and these "Friends rather choose that board then keep our friendship.

I'm not asking them to stop posting on that incel board.My question to these Friends. Our frienship in trouble and nobody wants to help save it.

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I'm trying but my heart is brused man my heart is sooooo brusied.What happen on the incel board was the last straw.I was verbal attack and not one friend defened me.one meember even say racial comment to me and the moderator Capt bandaid didn't do anything.He sided with everybody else. He was one of the friends i lost too.

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You need to shed this whole life!


You need to turn off the computer and get involved with real poeple. This board stuff will destroy you if you rely on it. E stuff is there to support... to supplement.. it's not there to replace.


Take the first step and blow off this incel thing... move on to real friends. Once you have those... e-drama will take on a whole new (and worthless) meaning.

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I can understand quietgrl's dilemma. I have found that it is A LOT easier to make online friends than friends in person. Since I've moved out here, I have spent MORE time than ever on this board and have made MANY friends on here. I have very few friends offline (actually maybe one or two) but most of my friends are on here. I find it easier to open up and talk to people on here than in out in public places, and I can be outgoing when I need to be.


I am hoping school will help me open up and expose me to new people so I can make more friends. It's not easy and it doesnt get any easier as you get older.

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I agree with NJRon. You need to be around people. I am quiet and introverted like you and I've had people who I thought were friends leave me and let me down, but I still need to be around people. I believe that we are social creatures and we need people. I became cynical in high school and then I went to college where no one knew me and I didn't know anyone. I just went down the hall of the dorm and seeing whose door was open and started asking questions and all. I found my group of friends and I am happy. Just smile and say hi to people you never know you may pass your best friend.

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