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asking out a friend - advice needed badly

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hey all, im new to the forums


i decided to come here because i have a situation that i really need help on right now.


here's the whole story:


i became friends with a girl in a summer course i was taking last month (we're both turning or turned 17 this year). but not long after we started to know each other, i've began to really like her. we talk quite a bit both in person as well as online. we usually only talk over phone about schoolwork, but we branch off into a long casual conversation most of the time.


i can honestly say that i can hardly bear a day without seeing her or hearing her voice, but our course has ended and we attend different schools in normal times, so i feel as if i should act as soon as possible or i might lose her. but i am unsure of how i should ask her out. she thinks of me as a good friend but i do not know if she thinks of me in anyway else, and im afraid it could affect our friendship as it is if she refuses.


i have never seriously considered asking anyone out so this is definitely a first for me...


any advice, especially on what i should say would definitely be appreciated

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Hey cool! I'm 17, and I just finished my round of summer school.

But anyways.. heh.

I think you should go ahead. Just keep the mindset of "why not? I have nothing to lose." Tell her how you feel, but keep it cool, don't smother her with sonnets I mean, if she accepts --> Awesome! If she has other ideas --> That's okay. And there won't be any awkwardness because you won't see her everyday.


As for what you should say... I would do something like "You know, I know I've only just met you but the past month has been great for me. You want to with me ?" I don't know how well that'll fly though. Can anyone else help?


If you don't let it affect your friendship with her, it won't affect the friendship.


Best of luck, cheers!

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  • 1 month later...

HEy. I'm 17 as well and have a similar situation. Theres this girl I work with who is I would consider, as would she, to be my best female friend. We trust eachother with everything. I haven't asked her out cause I'm afraid, I've never asked a girl out either. I think you should talk to her more. Try to start an intimate conversation. Start talking about something that will connect you as human beings; afterlife, nature or your dreams, be trusting. Then one thing will lead to another- I gaurantee it. If she feels the same she will trust you with her feelings as well. Good luck!

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i like this girl ive been friends with her for about 3 years but im not the smoothest and most of my friends think i have a depressed personailty cause i put my self down alot i have no self confidence which i need i dunno how to get one or what to do to impress girls i havent had adate in awhile im not like ugly i just have no talent in the lady department if someone could help me plz i whould be very greatful

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