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What is the goal of every human? Your input is appreciated.

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Well let's make this very simple… (First off I have a way of making simple things into complex things, but I will try my best here). What is the goal of every human being? Our fundamental goal is to be happy and content. Many of us try to find happiness in worldly things such as possession, worldly relationships, drugs and alcohol and entertainment (movies, TV…) The only problem is that such things are impermanent and thus will eventually end.


Where am I going with this? You need to focus on finding happiness from within. You have to understand that everything that brings you happiness in this world will only bring you sadness in the end because it will be gone. Whether it is through theft, destruction, lost, divorce, or death. You can live life moving from one happiness to the next with bouts of sadness or you can realise that attachment to worldly things will only lead to suffering. If your release your desires and attachments you will suffer much less.


This doesn't mean that you give up all your wants or that you stop loving/wanting. It just means that you understand that everything comes and goes. This isn't nihilism, it's understanding reality. There can be profound joy in understanding this. Don't worry about the future enjoy the present. Now understand this simple philosophy and living by it won't absolve you of all suffering, things in this world will still affect you since you live in this world. However, you will see sadness and upsets in a new light.


So to go over my points.

1. The goal of every human is to be happy and content

2. Worldly pleasures do not bring true happiness

3. Real contentment and happiness comes from within.

4. We must understand that everything comes and goes. Loss is a part of life.


What do you think? Challenge your mindset. Remember you are in control of your mind, your emotions, and your beliefs. Don't let them control you, don't let the external world rule you. Your comments and input would be much appreciated.

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Well, i think i can be of some help here. Im reading this book called "the purpose driven life" and it baisically tells you why you are here on earth. And most people think that were here to live our lives to the fullest, but were not here to live our lives for us, were here to live our lives for god. (i was never a spiritual person and believe me on not preaching to you either, if you do believe in god and are willing to put your life in his hands as it should be then you will appreciate what im saying)


Baisically what im saying to you is your body is just a "tent" for now, its a preperation for the "eternal life" and when your earth bodys time is over then god has a "house" for us waiting in heaven. So with that said, life has its certain things that it holds for you, and throughout your journey you just have to spread the word of jesus and accept that someday you are going to go to heaven and it should not be a sad thing when people die, it should be a wonderful thinkg that they get to live in such a place our minds wouldnt even begin to comprehend.... Heres a quote from the book im reading, its baisically about what heaven is like, our minds couldnt even get close to realizing what it would be like.. "its like explaining the internet to an ant"


So i have chosen to live my life the way god planned it and spread the word that were not here to please us, or help ourselves, were here to spread love and joy to all around us. (lol, i sounds like some hard-core christian..... but im not, im just an everday person that understands now)


Hope my input was what you were looking for... i pretty much said just about everything you said, just in a diffrent form)

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As always, very well said.


This is actually a concept and ideal I came accross a few years back. I do my very best to keep these things in my mind as I drift through this life of mine, it helps keep my focus.


It is quite hard for people to really incorporate this mind set into their lives. But it is well worth contemplation. It is very parallel to the thought of acceptance, if you accept everything around you....you can live a happier life. People tend to think of acceptance as giving up, or giving in...or not caring...NOT so...its understanding a situation just as it is, taking it at face value. Once you do that, then real change can happen.


It is a wonderful way to carry yourself through pain...and ultimately growth.



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I think for you it may be a great post, but you can not let a failed relationship bitter you for the rest of your life. Life is made up of challenges good and bad and yes with love comes loss. You cannot dwell on things leaving you or oh when is this going to be over because then you will ruin the time you have. In order for you not to get hurt with anything you would have to be a cold person and bother with no one and this would include your family and friends. When I was 17 my father died yes it was a tragic loss but that did not prevent me from staying close to my mother and my mothers future b/f. I believe that everyone will mourn something important but you need to be able to give yourself a clear view on things without holding back. I feel you may miss something if you are constantly afraid of losing something. I am not saying your opinion or how you feel is wrong but the minute you find someone that deserves you and will treat you the way you should be treated your tune hopefully will change. The girls or guys that have caused you pain in your life please do not let them ruin it for the ones that will be ready to experience life with you. Sorry, I do not mean to disagree as we are all entitled to our opinions and yes your post is an excellent side of your opinion.

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Hmm, very interesting winkie I do agree with what you are saying. However, I think you might have misinterpreted my post, or maybe I wasn't clear enough (I have a habit of explaining this philosophy incorrectly).


See I don't mean to say that you should shut yourself down from the outside world. Nor do I mean you should never love anyone. What I'm trying to say is that we should have love and affection without attachment. Attachment is a negative thing; maybe I need to define what I mean by attachment…


Attachment is when you base your happiness on external things alone. You can only be "happy" when you have what you desire; however when you do not have what you desire you suffer. So if you are attached to impermanent things you will never experience true happiness, because all things come to an end, like relationships. Either through break ups, divorce or death. Even in your own death you have to leave behind the ones you love.


So I'm a strong advocate of love and affection, but we have to find true happiness from within ourselves. This could be god, this could be the soul or spirituality, this could be through meditation and enlightenment. Whatever you want to call it, it's the same thing. Happiness through ourselves first. All other things will bring us joy, but there loss shouldn't be a devastating blow only a moment where we reflect on what we had and the beauty of experience.


Did I explain my standpoint better? I don't want you to think I'm against love.

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I do not think that he is bitter at all, I think he is just explaining the simple concept that many people just do not get.


We must learn to find happiness within before we can truly enjoy others.


I did not take the post as you must never fall in love or have friends.


I feel that so many people on this forum cry and cry about their ex when in most cases our ex's are not thinking about us at all.


He hit it right on the head:


Until you realize that you must love and validate yourself, with out relying on others to validate who you are, you can never move on and heal from a break up.

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Well, crookster,


I do understand your points, and I do agree. I know you're not being cold, either. I know how to read you from your posts in the past.


I think I agree for the most part, but I also enjoy the attachments in life, meaning the emotional ones. Part of life for me is knowing that I might loose someone, and trying not to mess it up... It usually makes me a better person through growth...


I guess that's all I can say, I think it speaks for itself!


Nice subject, good for thought!!!



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I agree with all that you've said, crookster_man. Your subject line asked a question, though, so I'd like to add something, too.

We all have these basic 7 rights- The right to exist, the right to have, the right to feel (never let ANYONE tell you "you have no right to be angry!"), the right to act (or "the right to be free", pretty much the same thing), the right to love and be loved, the right to speak and hear truth, the right to see (not only the physical function but to have access to the truth), and the right to know.

I suppose the goal of a human being is to reclaim our rights, for they are often taken away from us. People who, at a young age, were beaten, often doubt their right to exist. Perhaps those people's main goals in life is to reclaim that right? Just a theory...

You seem like a very aware person. If you haven't already, you should read "Eastern Body, Western Mind". Excellent book. It may answer your question.

Alright, I'm done. Before I go, though, I must say- on this site, often when people reply to posts they don't really offer anything but a piece of their life story to the advice-seeking person. Have you noticed this? winkie did it. Hm. Ok, I'll go now... 8)


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Hey crookster man,

Great post! Very bhuddist of you! It is so nice of you to post this for us to read. It is inspiring and realistic and just gives us good perspective about hings. So thanks a lot!

I do not know what the goal of a human being is. I think we all have different goals at different times of our lifes. There are also goals that seems to be universal to us all. I think the ones in the American Bill of Rights make a good list. But in general I think that people for example in a developed country may have more seemenly supperfial goals than some father of 7 kids in Bangladesh that may just have 1 egg at home to feed his family. I don´t mean to sound so politically oriented. Just that I think that attaining happiness is one of our top universal goals as a race, yet there are cultural, social, emotional, maturity level and other factors in the family and general environment of each person that give attaining that happiness a different character. Sometimes what is happiness to one conflicts or directly impairs the goal of happiness of another. Again too philosofical.

In any case. No matter what are goal is, the idea you shared with us blends beautifully with it. If we were to keep it in mind it would make our job of being human a lot smoother. So thanks again.


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Very interesting, I'm glad we are getting a discussion going on this topic.


Genesis, your quote is exactly what I'm talking about. It is especially geared to this forum as well. "Until you realize that you must love and validate yourself, with out relying on others to validate who you are, you can never move on and heal from a break up." Well said.


SAM, I do also enjoy the pleasures of this world. Worldly relationships can bring us pleasure without a doubt. I too do not wish to mess it up. I find a successful relationship a chance for me to grow and share my experiences with another. Sharing a life with someone is the greatest gift we can offer each other. The road to happiness is paved with compassion. (Com = "with", Passion = "Passion [dah]"). Thanks for your input, always appreciated


Incognito, I will defiantly check out that book. I'm very interested in eastern philosophies and there application in the western world. Just have a question for you, when one reclaims their rights wouldn't that make them happy? Of course these rights are based upon worldly things and such are subject to desire... However, they are more concepts then a physical thing. In fact, being denied these rights would make it very difficult to journey down the path of self discovery and personal happiness. So I would say that these 7 rights are fundamental to the development of our happiness, very interesting. I will have to think about this one. Thank you for this insight.


Oh about the comment on people giving advice through there own stories... I don't think there is anything wrong with it (not that you do). It's an easy way for people to relate to a salutation and give there own advice through experience. Besides I think it proves one point we are eNot Alone. Our sad experiences are experienced by many.


Reborn, you are quite right this is a blending of Buddhist philosophy. I find it very centering. There are many other philosophies which stress similar issues, much like the Christian philosophy Dreamdancer118 brought up. (I said philosophy not religion). I do agree many different people have many differing goals. Maybe I should have worded the question differently, as in "What is the fundamental goal of every human being?" But then I don't know if we would have as good as a discussion.


In regards to your comment about one man's happiness being another's pain. I agree in the sense that it is in reference to worldly pleasures (material, relationships and so on). There isn't enough of everything for everyone to have what they desire, so jealousy, greed and such do get in the way. This is why we must focus on internal happiness. If we are content and at peace with ourselves; if we understand that all things are not for everyone; if we act in accordance with compassion towards everyone, then we can obtain happiness independent of this material world. In theory (and practice) this happiness would cause no other pain, because it wouldn't deny them anything. In fact it would encourage them to seek their own personal happiness, no? Thank you for bringing this issue up, it is a very common question.


Wow I'm into long responses, sorry about that. Though I've hoped I've explained my points better and answered any questions in this regard. Please do keep your posts coming; I would love to hear what you and others have to think about this topic.

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This makes me want to sing a song by Frankie Beverly and Maze....





Happy feelin's in the air touching people everywhere

Plenty love and everything listen to the people sing


"I've got "myself" to remind me of love"

I've got my mind and my heart I believe in above

These happy feelin's I'll spread them all over the world

From deep in my soul I wish you



I've seen the light watch them shine down on me

I'm gonna spread my wings I'm gonna tell all I see

These happy feelin's I spread them all over the world


Happy Happy

Happy Happy feelin's

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I truthfully do not know the purpose of any human on earth. I think I think too much and try to come up with answers without having enough knowledge.


Now, I agree with what Crookster_man said about how earthly "happiness" are just temporary and at the end, it will usually end in loss, even true love will end someday with break-ups, divorce, or eventually death.


I also think that happiness does start within yourself. Im rather young but have had an experience in my life (my father almost died at the age of 7) that has made me hide feelings and made myself seem like a tough person, (which is what I did at the age of 7 as I was preparing for a death that never came).


So when I get attached to things that make me happy and express myself (like a new love, and then I lose him) I tend to break down completely, I do mend at the end, but the event makes me tougher and express myself less w/ people, by not trusting them. And the problem is, the next attachment that follows, and there is a loss, the break down becomes worse than the first.


I do believe that happiness does start within yourself and we are meant to pursue happiness and things that make us happy as long as you control yourself from becoming attached (like I tend to do).


Now, my question is: how does one find themselves? How does one put aside their "attachments" and their troubles and find hapiness in themselves? How would you start? How do you not attach yourself from things that comfort you and make you "happy".


Like I said before, I don't know if I made too much sense or if anyone understood what Im trying to get accross...but write back if anyone can answer my questions.

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Well, there's a tough question. How to find happiness within yourself?

Well, start by learning to love yourself, I suppose. You seem to know yourself and your patterns very well, babycristy456. That's a good start. So, love your personality, and even love the parts of yourself you have repressed (you know which parts of yourself you've repressed by looking at the people you dislike the most- they display your "shadow self", or from what appears to you in your dreams).

But really, I'm not sure. In your case, maybe you should realize that your feelings don't come from the other person, but from within yourself? Well, I don't know.

And here's another point- You're asking how to find happiness to other people, to complete strangers, when you should really be looking within yourself.

It's a very complicated business, this happiness emotion. And I don't think I've really added anything meaningful to this discussion with this post. Well, that's for you to decide, I guess. Heheh


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